
Got eviction order from court ..what shall i do ?

by  |  earlier

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I am single mum with new born (9 weeks) and postnatal depression with no family with me in the UK.

Landlady decided to evict me from flat once she heard i am pregnant ( months ago). she told me and i refused to leave because i go no where to go while pregnant and ill. So she took it to the court, she first got possession order then eviction order ( arrived yesterday).

I feel totally lost, what do you advice me to do? pls help

thanks in advance




  1. Go to your local council and explain the situation that you are homeless. They will put you in emergency accomodation until a suitable flat or house becomes available.

  2. I would think since you already took this to trial and the judge determined you have to move you have no other options.

    In your position I would go to where ever my family is, or the babys father house.

    I am not in the UK, but I am sure they have homeless shelters available for you to sleep in.

  3. pack your stuff, and go back home !

  4. visit your local citizens advice bureau they will help you

  5. Pack up and look quickly for  new accommodations.  I know it is difficult and you are not ready to do it, but you must have a roof and a place to sleep for you and your child.

  6. I know a lot about real estate in the USA. I have no idea of the laws in the UK.  If you click on the flag for the UK at the bottom of the page you will get great answers. Or does no one participate there. /

  7. Call your family and have them pack you up and take you back. That's what family is for, it does not matter if you were fighting or not getting along (I don't know the situation but I can imagine).  

  8. seek legal aid ... go see your doctor ....and seek other place to live

    what a  land lady to do this to you with a baby ...

  9. Contact the Council. Do not leave before you are evicted as the council will say you have made yourself homeless and will not rehouse you.  Be prepared to be put into a bed and breakfast if there are no one bed flats available.

  10. go to citizens advice or try their website - - a landlord can't evict you for being pregnant. you do have rights. you might also get a solicitor. if that's the real reason you shouldn't have anything to worry about. if it's for being a pain in the **** with your neighbours then you've only got yourself to blame. if this isn't the case then legally you should be okay

  11. Find somewhere else to live I guess

  12. If you are not paying your rent, you are putting the landlord into a very difficult position - she still have a bond to pay!  In this case, I would say that you should look into government housing or going home to stay with family until you are financially able to rent again.

    If you are paying, then take the matter to court and fight it on the basis that somebody cannot be evicted for being pregnant.

  13. Get down to your local council TODAY and make an appoinitment to talk to the Homeless Persons Officer.  As long as you have done nothing to make yourself intentionally homeless (getting pregnant does not count!) you should get some help.  It is very hard but you have to stay where you are until the bailiffs turn up - if you leave before, the council will say you have made yourself intentionally homeless.

    The other thing to do today, is to get in touch with your health visitor and doctor and let them know what is going on.  You are suffering from depression - understandable, you have just gone through childbirth and have the baby blues as well as managing on your own with a small baby.  Most of us would be depressed - you need their help too.  Also, ring an organisation called Homestart which is set up to help parents - married and single - who are feeling overwhelmed and need useful support and friendship.  

    If your council is not as helpful as it should be, get in touch with Shelter who will definately be supportive.

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