
Got hit by an uninsured driver can i sue if he doesnt want to pay?

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I got hit on the passenger side door by a driver the police didnt show up but i did make a police report. Can i sue the driver if he doesnt want to pay for the damages? (I live in Texas by the way if that matters)




  1. I thnk in Texas you can shoot them if they wont pay, pretty sure of that one...

  2. with texas gun laws you might.

    But yes you can. It is against the law to drive un insured. or claim it to your insurance if you have full cover. they will go after him also, just give them his info. Your rates might go up a little but it will be quicker and you save yourself a big headache

  3. Of course you can. You would have to file your suit in small claims court. It is a time consuming process. Once you file the suit, you will have to have him served with the notice to appear in court. DON'T do it yourself. Pay the small fee to have the papers served for you by a sheriff or a private investigator. Get estimate and receipts of all your costs, plus log any time off of work you may have taken including the time you will spend at court. Take pictures and make sure you can explain clearly how those damages were caused by the other person (defendant). After you go to court and win your case, it is not over yet. He may not be willing to pay so you will have to go back to court and have file to have his wages garnished. To find out where he works, you can follow him yourself with a friend to accompany you so you can focus on driving or you can pay an investigator. Then you can file the papers to have his wages garnished. They will take what he earns, deduct his living expenses and then give you the rest until the amount you sued for is paid in full.

    It is a lot of work and you mush be smart and patient. It is nothing like on TV.

  4. You definitely can sue him.

  5. ye ya can

  6. Yes you can in the Texas small claims court and dont forget the police report, the pictures and any affidavits that you might get.................

    But remember that after you win ask the judge that you would like to have their wages garnished if they have no money and dont forget to sue for your deductible as well.

  7. Yes you can!

  8. Yes.  See a lawyer right away.

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