
Got in an accident, is it true my insurance will find out?

by  |  earlier

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So I got in a little fender bender in a parking lot the other day and I have another question asking how much the damage should cost me.;_ylt=AmxBaxtTNfrpw23502sX7p7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080804170735AA5HdMI

The police were called just so we could get a write up and all the information, I was not charged with anything and got off with a warning to just be more careful, and we decided to settle outside of insurance. But in my other question someone said "The police wrote it up? Then the insurance company will find out anyway." Is this true?




  1. your fine unless you or the other party files a claim with the insurance company, they wont find far as cost, i would take it to a couple body shops and get a couple different estimates, this wont cost you anything.

  2. yep just talkin to a friend about that last night cop was being a ***** pulled him over for 33 in a 30 and wrote him a warning, few weeks later he got kicked off his insurance

    he flipped over 2 cars got a speeding ticket (55 in a 35) and only been driving for 3 years, yeah i dont get in the car with him

  3. I believe that unless you or the other party files a claim with the insurance company, then they will not find out.  The police are not going to call your insurance company and tell them, it is not there job to do that.  As for how much the damage is going to cost, it depends on where you go.  I had a similar situation happen and the person I hit new someone who could do the work for a little less so I just asked for a copy of the bill to pay.  Good luck.

  4. They only way they'll find out is if you actually go through them to pay for whoever's car you hit or whatever. But no, they won't find out even if the cap wrote it up. Doesn't work that way. Usually whoever gets hit has to file a claim with their insurance company and then they contact your insurance company and then they make you pay more.  

  5. The insurance company will only find out if you got a violation for the accident - even if it's a written warning. Also, I saw the other question, and that looks like a small dent. You shouldn't have even called the police because if the damage is under 500 dollars you're not required to get the police involved. I'm going to go look at your other question more carefully.  

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