
Got into a car accident, no police report nor witnesses.?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving behind a taxi cab on a two-way residential street when all of a sudden he hits the breaks in the middle of an intersection even though there isn't a stop sign, I didn't want to hit the brakes and skid into him so I dodged him by moving to the left real quick but at the same time he was making a u-turn even though there were stop signs on each side of the crossing street and hit me on my driver side door. He told me not to call the cops because he had an investigator from his company to fill out a report. I now realize the investigation was only done to cover his *** because I did not see his version of the accident on paper except how to contact their insurance. I was the first to open a claim with his and my insurance company, they have my statement, he has not given his. Who do you think will be held at fault?




  1. Unfortunately, with no police report, this basically becomes a "You Said"   "He Said"  situation.   A police report probably should have been filed, regardless of what he told you.

    I don't really know who would be at fault here, but I'm inclined to think it would be the taxi driver's fault, and this is why:

    If you were following him and he slammed on his brakes, how could he have hit your driver's side door?  You said you dodged him on your left.  That means if you were behind him, he couldn't have hit that door.  

    But....  if I'm understanding this correctly, you said he did a U-turn right in the middle of the intersection, meaning that when he hit you, the two of you at one point were head on.   For him to have hit your driver's side door at that point, he would have had to go around the front of your car and hit you from the side.  

    This could mean that he crossed the median and into your lane.

    Hopefully you won't be cited for following too closely to begin with.

    Good luck with this one.  Next time get a report, regardless of anyone's objections.

  2. Tell all of this to your insurance company, including the part about him saying not to call the cops. I think they'll find that you were not at fault.

  3. How in the world does he hit your driver's side door?  From what you said, it sounds to me like you were following too closely and would have been cited if the cops were there.

  4. most likely you as you were attempting a pass even if because he stopped with no reason on a road and most states assess by the person in the rear vehicle must maintain space enough to stop, sorry

  5. You will be found guilty for passing him and I know what you will say but always get a police report no matter what anyone tells you, it is done for every ones protection.....

  6. scammed! burn!

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