
Got it down to 2 names, which one?

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Addison Grace


Christa Grace




  1. I absolutely love Addison Grace. Both names remind me of grey's anatomy though lol. Seattle Grace.. Dr.Addison.. But Addison is a really beautiful name. =)

  2. Addison Grace is beautiful  

  3. Well, I'm going to go against what 99.9% of people are saying here.

    I don't like Addison.

    Firstly, because it means 'son' of adam.  It was originally a masculine name.  It's not an easily converted name either, because it essentially means man.  I find it very butch sounding too.  And ugly.  But that's another subject

    Secondly, it's incredibly trendy and popular right now.  I don't see it as enduring or timeless.  It's very faddish.

    Thirdly.  It's the name of a disease.  I wouldn't name my kid Addison any more than I would call them Downsyndrome.

    So I'm leaning towards Christa.

  4. they're both very pretty, but i have to agree with the consensus and say Addison, and you can call her Addie for a nickname

  5. Addison Grace definitely

    Christa just looks like there's something missing.  I imagine people would assume it should be Christy or Christal....

  6. Addison Grace. I think it's lovely.  

  7. Addison Grace is adorable  

  8. Addison Grace is beautiful.

  9. Addison Grace. Adorable!

    If you did end up choosing Christa, I prefer the spelling Krista.

  10. Christa Grace.

    But keep the two names, because when she is born she might not look like a "Christa" and more like an "Addison" :)

    Good luck :)

  11. Addison Grace [:

    Addison is a beautiful name.

  12. defiantly Addison Grace!

    that is ADORABLE!

    I LOVE IT!


  13. Addison Grace is very pretty.  

  14. I like Addison Grace best. However, Christa is nice too.

    Good Luck!

  15. Addison Grace

    I like Addison Rayleigh though better

  16. Addison Grace is such a beautiful name.

    Cogratulations on your bundle of joy.

  17. hiya!!!

    i think pretty much everyone has picked Addison Grace lolx!

    when i first heard reminded me of grey's anatomy lolx....

    i wud pick Christa Grace tho...simply because every christa ive ever known (like 3) has been a really nice person....


  18. I don't particularly care for either. Both are trendy, and I prefer classic names, but that is only my opinion. If I were to choose I could choose Addison, only because of the nickname Addie, Its cute!

    Grace is a lovely timeless pretty name, that sounds perfect with almost any first name.

    Addison Grace has a nice tone. Good luck.

  19. Addison Grace!!!!!

  20. Addison Grace ♥


  21. Addision Grace is adorable.

    [Ha reminds me of Addison on Grey's anatomy and Seattle Grace]

  22. I really like the name Addison Grace.  It's adorable.  Christa sounds like a partial name.  I don't know it just doesn't do it for me.  The first thing that came to mind was a Crystal.  Like you just didn't pronounce it correctly.  Neither one is terrible, but I strongly prefer Addison.  

  23. I guess I'm going against the status quo here, but I prefer Christa.  It's a very classic, classy, strong sounding name, but still not too common.

    Addison is nice but sounds a bit like all the "trendy names" everyone is going for in recent times, like "madison" "kayleigh" etc. I sense that after a whole generation of babies are given these kinds of names, they will no longer be so highly regarded or 'unique'.

  24. like the majority.

    addison grace

  25. Cordelia Grace

  26. Addison Grace

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