
Got kicked out of home :(?

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a few weeks ago my father kicked me out of home so i am forced to live with my mother full-time i don;t mind living with her but i cannot stand her sometimes.

i'm really depressed please help me all suggestions welcome




  1. First, what did you do that he kicked you out? If you were happier living with your father, then you need to work it out with him. I don't know what happened, but believe me, I know from having to kick my own son out, that sometimes it's tough love. And, I'm sure your dad misses you and is hurting, too. Talk to him and try to work it out. The worst thing you can do is not talk to him about it and try to keep from getting angry and losing your temper. I wish you all the luck in the world!  

  2. Your dad got mad over NOTHING and just kicked you out for NOTHING?

    C'mon.We know better than that.

    If you are working then get a place of your own or obey your mother.

  3. i kind of know how you feel. i don;t get along to well with my momma either. but just kinda stay away from your mom and not start anything with her. be nice to your dad and just show him you wanna come back home. just be your self but just show him you learned your lesson (for whatever you did to get kicked out of his house)

  4. I think the rules got to be a bit much for you at your Dads house maybe? You maybe threatened him with "I will go live with my Mom?"

    If you want to go back, you have to let him know that you are willing to follow the rules he has laid out.  If not, you are just going to have to make due at your Mom's house.  trust me, you will understand all this in a few years, Parents have to give there children boundaries so hopefully they will grow up to be responsible adults.  hang in there, I'm sure they love you.  xox

  5. You could try to find a job yourself so that you can eventually get a place of your own?! good luck.

  6. right now she is your best friend! She didn't have to take you in, but she did- cut her some slack.

    Teenagers always hate their parents in their DNA. But make some effort for her. And start saving and get out of there eventually!

    Believe me, living with a parent you are non too fond off, and pretending to like them beats living on the streets!!

    Change you attitude and appreciate what you have!

  7. talk to your dad and tell him how you feel. :/  

  8. sure you know what you did wrong.

    learn to live with it or move out and pay your own way.

  9. it's not easy for a parent to kick out there child. so whatever you did must of really been terrible or disrespectful. call your father and apologize. I'm not sure he'll let you come back home but at least you made a new starting point for a relationship.

  10. Pull your head out of your *** and do what your Dad tells you.  I'm positive he's right about whatever it is you're fighting about.  Just because your Mom lets you get away with it doesn't make it okay.

  11. I would just say to love you're mom as much as possible.

    Don't take her for granted.

    Spend time with her.

    Don't fight about the little things.

    Take the time to give her a hug.

    Tell her that you love her.

    My mom passed away when I was 14.

    The last thing that I told her was that I didn't want to see her.

    12 days later she died and I never got the chance to

    tell her I love her or that I was sorry.

    Think of living with her as an oppurtunity to be with her.

    I wish I was able to do the same with my mom.

    I'll never get the chance.

    So as I said...

    Never forget to tell her(or your dad) that you love them.

    And definately don't take them for granted.

    Never forget to smile.

    It's the best cure for depression!

    Good luck.

  12. Why did you get kicked out...your mom can't be that bad, she is just

    showing "tough love". by the old are you??

  13. You are not supposed to like your parents all of the time.  They're not your friends.  They're your parents.  If you liked them all of the time, they wouldn't be doing their job.  No parent ever evicts a child easily and without remorse.  Dad didn't want to do this.  Ask yourself what brought him to this point.  Is there any way to undo it?  If not, how can you make amends?  Dad is angry and hurt.  The hurt will be harder to penetrate than the anger.  An apology is required, but is not alone sufficient.  Actions speak louder than words.  If you truly don't know what you did wrong, then the issue is Dad's.  Maybe some time apart will settle the issue.  

  14. Tell your dad that you want to see him and that you are sorry. You don't want it to keep going like this.

  15. well, how old are you? If you are out of high school, then get a full time job save up some money, and get an apartment or rent a house!  

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