
Got laid off. 9 month pregnant. Will lose insurance in the end of the month. Can I apply for Medicaid now?

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I was told about two weeks ago that I will be laid off once I go on Maternity leave(the end of July). I will also be losing my insurance when I'm terminated. I'm 37 weeks pregnant and will nto have insurance once the baby is born. Can I apply for medicaid now eventhough I'm technically still working and still have insurance? I don't qualify for Medicaid because I make too much money but I don't want any space between insurance especially for my baby, who will need to see the Peditrician. Do you think if I explain my situation they'll give it to me now?

My fiance does not have insurance himself he works for a small company.




  1. Dont go Cobra it is extremely expensive, and most of the time the cost doubles each month.  I would advise waiting until you get your termination notice before you apply for Medicaid.  They will send you paperwork that you have to take to your old boss proving termination before you are approved.

  2. so how old are u my god its going to hurt sweetie trust me my sister in law had her 2

  3. Well, most likely, you need to ask your employer if they will be offering you COBRA coverage.  If so, you can CONTINUE your coverage, at your cost.  If they are a cobra eligible company, most likely, they are subject to FMLA, also - in which case, you might want a consult with an attorney, as it possibly is illegal to lay you off.

    Sure, you can apply for Medicaid.  But while you are working, most likely you won't be able to qualify.  They don't make "exceptions" to the rules.

  4. Jessica P gave you incorrect information about COBRA.  If you are laid off, your employer might have to offer you the chance to continue your insurance for up to 18 months.  You can have coverage for yourself to start, then add the baby, and after that, you can have coverage for the baby only.  Depending on why you're being laid off, there might be assistance for paying for the COBRA--which by the way, by federal law, can only increase in price once every 12 months.  If you call your local Department of Health and Human Services, ask about Medicaid, or if there is a state program that will help you pay for COBRA.  There is also a federal COBRA subsidy called the Health Care Tax Credit (for people who have lost their jobs due to foreign competition).  Best of luck!

  5. I'm not sure.... I would hope so.... You may have to go ahead and quit now just so you can get the coverage?

    You might also call 211 for help wih other things such as food, clothes, etc. If you need the medicaid # call them.  Here's an article to read:

    (Must call from landline, not cell)


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