
Got my cat netured she was still bleeding had to bring her back for another operation do i have to pay again?

by  |  earlier

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already paid for first operation but feel vet did'nt do a satisfactory joy why should i have to pay for the same operation again




  1. no i'm sure you won't have to pay again because you paid already and they didn't do a good job they have to do another free

  2. I disagree.  Yes, you will have to pay again.  If you get your tires fixed and they don't fix them right, you still have to pay more.

    I would find another vet when your cat is properly healed.

  3. this depends on your vet i know when my oldest boy was fixed he got an infection and had to have antibiotics and the abscess drained we didn't have to pay again for this treatment. also complain to the senior partner that you are not happy with the treatment recieved by your cat

  4. It is a boy if he was neutered. Female cats are spayed.

    Check with the vet and see what the vet says. What are your options? You have to do what is right for the cat. It's your responsibility and obligation. I know how expensive it can be. I have 2 cats plus a third one that I took in because it was a stray. It's a kitten. You do what you need to do. Worry about the cost later.

  5. HI there.

    Och, poor wee kitty!  Yes, it is TOTALLY the vet's responsibility to ensure this job is finished properly (and that means for as many return visits as it takes to make the spaying operation work).

    If, after investigation it seems like it's something else that's wrong with your kitty then, yes, I can see who you might have to pay for further, different, treatments (e.g. antibiotics, a different kind of surgery) but if there's just a problem with the spaying op then it's the vet's RESPONSIBILITY to sort it out.

    If you bought faulty goods or were given a hair job in which the dye wouldn't stop running (sorry about the analogy!) you'd go back and get them to sort it out at their expense, yeah?  Go for it.

    Hope it resolves itself soon for your sake and kitty's

  6. it really depends on the vet you're at...most likely they will blame it on you saying that you didn't be gentle with her and so she broke open her stitches or something or however the accident that happened came about...they'll probably make you pay for it all over again...just pay for it and find another vet for your pets use...same thing happened with my moms cat that she used to have...she got an infection from the stitches not being close enough or something and we had to pay 600 dollars for pills and vet was a real hassle...vets charge too much anyways...and mistakes on their part cost pet owner way too much lost money...then again they might realize its their fault and do it again for free

  7. I doubt that you will have to pay again. Talk to one of the staff at the vets about your concerns and they will put your mind at rest.

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