
Got my permit!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I got my permit and I drive fine like around the neighborhood, and I have been driving in the country for a long time but I am nervous about going out on the actual roads. I do everything correct and I am very comfortable but going out on the main road just makes me nervous, I know I can do it though. Any advice?




  1. Just do it!

  2. I used to have the same problem... i avoided interstates and freeways at all costs.

    The best I can say is to have someone you feel extremely comfortable with in the car with you, and someone you trust to be looking for something you might not see.

    You already know you can do it, so you just have to face it, even though its scary!

    Best of luck!

  3. drive 5 -10 miles over in the left lane and dont break unless you have to. Use signals too, SOMETHING PEOPLE IN THE SOUTH DONT KNOW HOW TO DO!!!! I HOPE YOU AINT DRIVIGN IN SOUTH CAROLINA. THE WORLD'S WORST DRIVES ARE THERE
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