
Got off the pill mid June. Had period June 23. No period yet. Pregnancy test neg Could I still be pregnant?.?

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I got off the pill mid June. I had my period June 23. My husband and I had s*x this month about 1-2 weeks after my period ended. It is now July 24 and still no period. I took several pregnancy tests and they all came back negative. Could I still be pregnant and it just be too early? In the evenings I sometimes get sick at my stomach and dizzy. No sore b***s though. I have had light cramps but thats about it. I have heard that you can sometimes get false negatives. Is it just too early yet to tell? HELP




  1. since you just stopped the pill that could be what is making you miss a period it happened to me

    It is still possible that you are pregnant two take another test in a week if you still don't have a period and take that test with your first mornings urine

    good luck

  2. It might actually be your body reacting to coming off the pill.  Your body hasn't had to produce its own hormones while you've been on the pill, and now all of a sudden it has to.  I've read on other sites online (because I'm going through the exact same thing right now) that it may take a few months for your body to get back to the way it was before you started the pill.  The amount of time it takes varies from person to person, too.  I felt nauseated and had cramps (probably worse than ever since high school) before my first cycle came, and it was late, too, which didn't help the nerves!  Give it time and check again in a week.

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