
Got over what?

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I was severely depressed for almost 5 years. I was able to get myself out of it, slowly but surely, over the last 2-3 years. Now that I am no longer depressed, I feel like my whole life had been put on hold for those 5 or so years! Sometimes, I feel like I don't even know who I am without depression to define me (I became depressed at about 14 and I am now 21, almost 22). I am trying to redefine myself but feel weird & almost nostalgic sometimes for who I used to be even though I'm not anymore. Anyone else who has suffered from depression feel this way?




  1. I have not suffered from depression but my dad has and he hasn't come out of it, the only advice i can think of is to start off with simple things you are familiar with and work your way up to what you would like to be doing in the near future.

  2. Yeah, been there with alcohol. The only way to deal, as hard as it seems, is to come to terms with the fact that you have lost those years. Make sure you don't lose any more. Life is too short. Now you have realised that you have gone through "wasted time" make sure you don't make a habit of it.

      In a couple of years you won't even relate to that "time"  

  3. you get one life. live it love it cherish it.  

  4. Hi Look at it this way, your well and feel good so look to the future and enjoy life and stop looking back, that's the past and doesn't matter its the future you can control, And always remember the glass is half full not half empty lots of luck to you with your new life.

  5. You sound like you are looking for a purpose, something fulfilling to do with your new-found time. Why not approach your new life as someone who just relocated would? Go out, check out local places and make new friends. Get a new job or volunteer somewhere. Value this time and the possibilities it offers.

  6. If your life was put on hold, then it's time for you to start living. Why would you feel nostalgic for something that was holding you back? Depression sucks, and I don't believe I've ever felt nostalgic over it.

    I do however still keep a pretty pessimistic attitude in general.  

  7. Yeah for a short period of time .

    Suggestion you should travel to strange place and make new friends.

    No one I repeated no one will know what happen. Live, Laugh, Love, and Cry. ( I know cry sounds awkward but it helps and had no other word for L.) Just go and know one will know you and u will have an awesome time!!! All the Best!!!

  8. Step 1: Ensure your emotion is controlled daily. Don't over reacted, stay calm and don't get worry easily

    Step 2: Think before your action. Don't repeat her past experience on herself. Remind herself from time to time.

    Step 3: Be confident to yourselves. Remember everyone is the winner. "Only One sperms out of millions fertilize an egg"

    Step 4: Get a group of close friends to share your experience and get some activities that would occupied your time

    Step 5: Increase scope of life. Meaning that she should involve in more social activities like dancing, outing and others.

    Step 6: Put a rubberband on the wrist. If there is a negative thought, Tighten the rubber band and release it. Hence the effect of the pain would be able to reduce the possibility of negative thought.

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

  9. Slowly re-invent yourself,sweetheart-by getting into things that you never allowed yourself to do, due to the depression..It is hard! but life goes on now that you are out of the and blond,dye it hot red(smile),Use to hate singing,sing every chance you get now..Loudly(i may add),hated to sew, you get what I am saying? Re-invent/re-live..This is a second chance..and you made it!Girl....

  10. try to look forward, be positive to lead a better life

    take care of your health, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep , maybe take vitamins

    find hobbies, join a club or create your own club

  11. You have to start all over.  With me, I didn't know what my interests were, besides moaning and cutting myself.  So I introduced myself to a range of things, such as fine art, literature, music, and other creative things that I could vent my feelings through.  I used to bead.  Having a couple of interesting TV shows, a comfortable daily routine, a hobby or two can really begin to define your life.  Slowly you add more things to your day, as you grow more comfortable with yourself.  As for the "being on hold" plan a trip, or get a pet.  Maybe getting some new friends will help, or flirting with the next door neighbor!  I feel the same way, and the only thing else I can say is, your life wasn't put on hold for 5 years, you grew.  You experienced the world staring through the painful goggles we call depression, and everything you see and associate with has been affected.  Just get a therapist, [if you don't have one] and talk to them about this redefining process, they can really help :)    

  12. i used to be depressed also, but it wasnt a BIG A$$ deal. i just went along with my life.

    doing what other people my age do.

    just try having a little fun.

    travel the world

    or go ride a rollercoaster.

  13. I am proud of you for perservering through your depression and getting better; depression is totally treatable.  I understand how you feel because I was once depressed and felt like I 'lost' years of my life.

    For me it is important to live day to day, moment to moment.  Otherwise it can feel daunting.  You are still you, happy, sad, mad, matter what you feel.  

    I would talk with a counselor about the 'nostalgic' is okay to feel good and go forward and be.

    You will be a witness to those around you who may be depressed, they will see that you got through it.

    Take care!

  14. well i have still got it and i am not liberated yet i wish i could say the same but be careful cause it could come back as sometimes they do and you have to recognize it and get meds and be careful take care.

  15. I just found an interesting hobby. Dancing and color guard. Now I'm great at what I do, and define myself that way.

    It's good to hear your story!

  16. try to make your life as normal as possible.

  17. get out meet people and do stuff

  18. I'm sort of in the same boat as you. Well, for me it was more anxiety than it was depression and it was something I'd felt all through my teen years and up until a couple years ago. I found that the best thing to do to keep myself away from falling back into that slump is by doing things out of my comfort zone (things that, while I was anxious/depressed I would not have normally done, such as go to social events, join clubs, make friends with strangers, etc).

    It is definitely hard to redefine yourself after something like this, but all you can really do is be patient and optimistic about what's to come. :)

    I wish you the very best!

  19. All I gotta say is live life. What ever you conceive in your head you can accomplish.  

  20. yeah. you pretty much have to start over. think about your life and the people you have in it. any negative people or things, kick them out immediately. then try to meet new people and rebuild your life. you will feel much better in the end.

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