
Got phone call from my daughter's teacher (long)?

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yesterday at noon (just before lunch) to see if I wanted to come and pick her up, apparently it was a very sudden thing, one minute she was fine and then all of a sudden she went as white as a ghost and got all dizzy (teacher demonstrated when I got there that she had started to sway kinda thing like being dizzy) but she was white as a ghost, teacher and teacher's assistant said they had never seen someone go soo pale and white before, and it really scared them, they had her go and lay down, and a few of her friends stayed with her so she wasn't alone and rang me right away.

When we (my daughter and I got into the car) she asked if she could eat her lunch in the car cause she really really hungry, so of course I said yes, and she ate it soooo quickly, then got home and went straight to sleep on the couch, she seemed fine after her sleep, like nothing happened and she just kept saying the whole time (before her sleep that she was really tired)

She refused to eat anything for breakfast that morning, could that be why she went pale and dizzy? even though they had fruit time and she ate then?

(oh she's 5½yrs old), what could cause such a reaction in such a young child?

She spent 2 weeks in infant ICU when she was 4weeks old after she had a seizure and stopped breathing, went blue, when I was giving her a bath I managed to resusitate her and she was rushed by ambulance where she spent 2 weeks in ICU, and turns out she has a Heart Variation, they said all babies are born that way but by 4weeks or so their bodies catch up and the size evens out, but hers didn't and probably never would, which was causing one side not pump as well as it should, and explained why her skin would go blotchy and why she had there seizures, they said these things should calm down over time, but she may have a seizure every few years for the rest of her life, and there is no cure or treatment. Is there any way this is related? or am I just being paranoid, (I am hoping it's not but just asking to see if anyone has any ideas), oh and she has mild asthma too, she got that (made mine worse) after a serious flu we both got when she was 18 months old..

I don't really think these have anything to do with it, but never know.

Sorry it's so long, you were warned in the question title lol




  1. I would call her Dr first thing in the morning and explain it to her and see what she says. You never know so you do not need to take any chances. God forbid if something is wrong and you did not call or go you would never forgive yourself.  

  2. she may have had a seizure, i work at a day care and this happened last week but the girl fell to the ground and was twiching a little bit but she seemed aware, we called her parents and they say she does it 2 times a month and that this one wasn't bad and to just let her sleep and she would be fine and they were right but it freaked us out and they didn't even come to check her out or pick her up, they also mentioned that sometimes you wouldn't be able to tell when she as a real small attack and they also said heat trigger it,

  3. Is she under a heart specialist or anyone for the condition? I think I would be getting a check at the doctor especially with her condition

  4. One word-DOCTOR.

  5. It sounds as if she may have had one of her periodic seizures. My daughter also has those, with the same symptoms. After resting for a short while, she seems to be fine. I highly recommend speaking to her doctor and letting him know what's going on.  

  6. Take her to a Dr.  

  7. It's a tough one. It could be from the heart condition, but you would expect her to actually have a seizure if it was.

    It sounds more like it would be from the lack of food. Was she hydrated? You need to force her to eat something for breakfast every day, because from the time from dinner the night before to lunch time that day, she only ate a piece of fruit, which isn't nearly enough for anyone. (That's assuming she definitely ate some fruit).

    This could develop into a serious problem if you don't get on top of it early. Just keep an eye on her for now, and ask her teachers to watch how much food she is eating as well.

    You will be very surprised at how young kids begin eating disorders. My son refused to eat nearly everything except noodles and honey sandwiches until he was 6, then we realised how underweight he was, and didn't cook him special meals, and now he eats more than his 13 y/o brother. He said that he didn't want to eat normal food because he didn't want to get fat like his Mum. (He is my step-son and his mum has had surgery due to her weight problems).

    So you need to really watch out for it, and if it continues, take her to a nutritionist or dietitian.

  8. It sounds like it could definitely be a seizure episode. I have heard that people who have seizures turn pale. I would take her to a doctor to see if they can do any investigating as to what happened just to be sure. I would have probably taken her to the ER if the school called for me to pick her up. I am the kind of mother that freaks out and the only way you can ease your worries now is to seek a physicians advice. I wish I could tell you what you want to hear which is its ok don't worry. But I am also a mother and I think its most important in that situation to know the truth from a professional.

    PS I would also make a note to the teacher that if it happens again in the future to call an ambulance not just send her to the school nurse because if its anything seizure related then its quite serious and she could be injured or worse.

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