I had two rats. One was white and one was black. The white one was really aggressive towards people and recently started getting aggressive towards the black rat. For the hole night last night all the white one did was attack and hiss at him. The white one started biting him and getting very aggressive. They white one wouldn't stop. Its been going on for a couple of days.
So I removed the white one from the cage and got rid of him. The black one seems a little happier and more eager to explore, but the only problem is, whats going to happen now that she doesn't have a mate?
I herd they some times rats get depressed. Should I get a new rat to be her mate?
Should I leave her with just her in the cage?
If I do get a new rat for her how long should I wait?
How would I introduce them if I did get a new mate for her?
This black rat is really friendly by the way.
Both rats were females, Thanks!!!