
Got terminated for my unemployment!!! Help?? Need opinions on what to say to judge to keep me on the insuranc

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My husband got fired about 2 months ago. Which was unfair. he was a store manager at Jiffy Lube. A lady was having problems with her vehicle so they worked on it. Well, 2 months later she said that they blew her engine, her mechanic said that they put silicone around the canister and it went inside her engine and cloged and so forth. So they said Jiffy Lube did it. Well, that day that she came in, an employee used a payed out(paper trace) and got silicone to fix on his own car!! Which I guess they aren't suppose to have silicone in the shop at all! But, no one knew that. So, now the district manager is saying that my husband did put silicone on her car because of that payed out. But, he swears up and down they didn't. Well, he didn't even touch the car. two assistant managers did and said that they didn't use silicone they used tamper seal! And my husband even looked at the car before she left! He said they put tamper seal but they would never put silicone! So his district manager said your fired for not being honest with us. We saw the payed outs blah blah blah. But, no one else got fired but him! And he wasn't the one that worked on the car nor order the silicone. So he left, applied for unemployment, then 2 months later got a letter saying that his employer is terminating it cuz of misconduct. Cuz' he lied to the District Manager. How is he lying if he's telling the truth! SO how can we fight this. Everyone at Jiffy Lube says they did not put silicone on that car! But, my husband still got fired for it. His Assistant even told the district manager that my husband had nothing to do with it. But didn't listen and still fired my husband. SO we have witnesses which are the two assistant managers that worked on the car! To help him win the case. cuz' if we lose we have to pay every check back that we got from them. I don't understand, its not fair, he didn't even have the proper training to be a manager. (AND HE"S TELLING THE TRUTH. THEY DID NOT USE SILICONE!) He was a sales men then a year later they said hey you need to manage this store. Money was good, real good so he excepted! But, they didn't send him to any training nothing. I feel like they did wrong by firing him and only him and not even offer to train him. I don't know. But, if you can give us tips on how to win this case please do! Or if you been through what we are going through now let me know how it went. Please help me! LAWYERS JUDGES ANYONE!! This is very important we may lose our house everything! Sorry if this doesn't make sense i'm just typing really fast! Court is soon need opinions. Thanks. Well, I think the lady did it or the mechanics. I think she saw the leak and put silicone to stop the leak ( or husband) or the mechanics did it to stop the leak! DOn't know but, whatever happened pointed fingers to Jiffy Lube and now got my husband fired. I'm sure the lady didn't want to take the responsibilty so blamed someone! Which worked!




  1. When there is a dispute regarding unemployment, there is a hearing and then a chance to appeal it.  Contact your unemployment office.

    As far as the whole termination - a woman comes back after 2 months and says that her invisible mechanic says this happened and this is why and how it happened?  And based on this your husband gets terminated?  I would get a free consultation with an employment attorney in your area to find out if you have any recourse to the entire terimination.

  2. contact corporate or get a lawyer. It's all you really can do.

    If he wasn't under contract, they can legally fire him for any reason... but i'm not sure about terminating his unemployment. A lawyer should be able to help you... after all, their job is to best represent your case. They want you to win...

  3. Depends on the state. Most states are voluntary employment states which means they can fire you whenever they want.

    The best thing to do is make sure your attorney interviews every employee of that store and the district manager.

    Please use paragraphs this will make it easier to read.

  4. The judge well want to know did he know about the rule If yes did he know there was silicone IN the shop and did he know someone used it on her car  What was he doing at the time this person used the silicone on the car Try an keep to the point the judge can't concern him/her self  with anything other than these events

    Is there anything they are allowed to use that looks like silicone? if so try and get it and bring it to court That is what he thought it was He should say he is ''sorry that Jiffy lube  had to pay out this money '' but it was not his doing It well get the judge thinking that is why they fired him and it was Good luck

    If he has or can get a list of the rules and it is long bring it in ''I tried to follow all of these rules'' Stress the time frame of events two months is along time, forget about this lady the judge well not care weather her claim was just

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