
Got the wrong degree, what can I do?

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I majored in computer science because I thought I liked it. I was very shy and introverted back then, so I thought it was perfect for me. However, later I changed and became so much more confident and aware of what I really wanted in life. I am not rich, so I had to stick with my degree.

Now, since I already have that degree... I plan on learning on my own about graphic design, web design, some programming, but little, ... just doing web-multimedia stuff.

I have always been artsy and liked taking photographs, art, music, etc... so I think this is a good place to go with my degree... but I need time.

In the meantime I plan on getting just any data entry job, but my family is making me feel miserable for applying at those jobs.

Is it ok to do this? Is it intelligent? should I start at data entry? or is that too low? thanks!




  1. Education is never wasted.  Having any degree is useful in applying for  jobs, and indicates a level of commitment for having finished the degree.

    Personal suitability often accounts for about 50% of the weight of the job interview.  That includes how you perceive yourself within the framework of the company, and how well the employer thinks you would fit into the organization.   Lots of jobs don't have a formal degree requirement, a bachelor's degree in anything relevant will do."Equivalent amount of relevant experience" is often acceptable to a prospective employer.  

    You come across as thoughtful, talented and motivated.  Shoot for higher jobs too. Quite often people have the "wrong degree", but are right for the organization.   (The exception would be professions like engineering, nursing, physiotherapy, etc., where you have to have a specific degree to do the job.)  

    Good luck.

  2. Hey there, I think we all have these feelings about whether or not the major that we are in is really what we want to do. According to numerous polls, more than 80% of all graduates end up working in a field other than what they majored in. I feel as though I am going to be statistic, because I really don't think I'm gonna into the English field, which is the degree that I am currently working towards. I'm thinking of getting the Pharm-school requirements and then becoming a Pharmacist.

    To answer your question, it doesn't really seem as though you have majored in the wrong degree entirely, it's all about using what you have to your advantage. For instance, you can get a masters in Graphics Design or even take a course in Photography to help you hone your skills, then you can put that on your resume.

    As far as jobs go, the field of computer science is pretty in-demand and versatile so find a job that YOU like. Don't just settle for less because it will make you hate your job and bummed out about working (believe me, I've been there). Apply to many different jobs that you think are a good-fit for you and choose the offer that you like best. Don't worry about what others say because everytime I scour the web for people in different fields, I read of people who are depressed about their career decisions because they were too afraid to change due to what other people would think.

    Don't let anyone else dictate your life and thoughts because in the end, you have to live with your decisions while they will be off happy doing whatever they love.

    Just my $.02. Hope everything works out for you.

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