
Got this check from virgin atlantic bla bla bla to cash, get some money out and complete some payment directiv?

by  |  earlier

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was told to go and cash it and get some out of it to complete the payment directive. how far is this true and not fraud?




  1. I would be sceptical of and ask your attorney.

  2. Let me guess.

    1. They told you that you won something or its for some sort of job from a company/lottery that you never heard of.

    2. They sent you EXTRA $$$ on the check so you can cash it the Western Union/UPS/Deposit directly to them.

    3. A week Later you find out the check was a FAKE, you are out the $$$ you sent them + the $$ on the check + the banks BAD CHECK FEE.

    ITS A SCAM, shouldnt have even cashed it. Better deposit that money back in your account right away, DO NOT SEND THEM ANYTHING. This way the only $$ your losing is from the banks Bad Check Fee which will be $35 or so

  3. Scam.  Scam.  Scam.  

    This is a classic check scam.  They send you a fake check that will hold up for just a day or two.  You cash it, then they ask you to send a certain percent of the check to them.

    A few days later the bank declares the check is fake and you are out the entire value of the check AND the money you sent to the scammer!

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