
Got £1500 to spare, how should i invest it to get maximum returns?

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Got £1500 to spare, how should i invest it to get maximum returns?




  1. Go on Holiday.

  2. I'd say be smart and invest the money wisely.

    Split it:

    60% put on high yielding savings account or ISA

    20% share isa or normal shares

    20% you could use for a shorter term investing like spread betting.

    It's actually up to you how you split the money but make sure you don't use just one option as it's always a good idea to have some on your savings account.

    Make sure you find a cheap broker though. I got capital spreads. They quite good and cheap. Try they compare lots of investment accouts.

  3. There are a number of things to consider before you invest your hard earned money--your risk appetite, your present financial situation, and future cash flow expectations.

    Try to consult with an independent financial advisor to find an investment that suits your needs.


    Managed Accounts in Forex Trading

  4. Give it to me. When I'm a billionare I'll give you a million back. That's a promise.

  5. If you haven't used your ISA allowance that would be best, it's tax free and you can get 6.5%

    If you have used your ISA allowance then ICICI bank are paying 7.2%

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