
Gov Palin says yes; but would you send your kid to a school that teaches creationism instead of science?

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She wants creationism to be taught equally along science in all science classes. Do you agree with this?

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  1. Until they can call it the proof of evolution instead of the theory of

    evolution I believe the issue should be open for debate.

  2. I wouldn't live in a town, no a STATE where they could even THINK about teaching my kids lies and disinformation.

    And I want my elected officials to be smarter than I am. Not the case for the last 8 yrs., and not the case if we elect someone who could lend Creationism an iota of credibility.

  3. you bet if you libs don't believe in creationism then you don't believe in god but you all will be the first to worship at the feet of al gores  global warming and how its man made but cant show the scientific facts. you know why cause god created this planet and all that's on it so what makes you think we can save it.

  4. Yes I would. I want my children to be exposed to many opinions and expose them to thinking, researching and making their own decisions about what makes sense to them. I do not want them to walk in lockstep without the ability to form their own opinions.

    Liberals want to stop critical thinking which tells you they have no real belief in evolution or they would not feel so threatened if someone hears a differing view. Censorship is dangerous.

  5. No, I wouldn't. But I respect the rights of all parents to choose what they teach their children. This is reason # 9,722 why school vouchers are a good idea.

  6. Since the president does not determine school curriculums, I don't really care about her opinion on this...

  7. No, neither would I send them to one who teaches storks bring babies. I think Palins daughters pregnancy at such an early age is also proof that abstinence only s*x education fails.

    She would make the US a laughing stock if she had her way and had creationsim taught at schools, schools are for facts not fantasies.

  8. Creationism IS science no less than evolution is. No matter how far you take my ancestors, they are all human. My descendants are all humans too. I am OK with creationism in schools.

    Go ahead, thumb me down.

    To all of those who answered no, I could take this argument even further.

    If creationism is so wrong, then why do you not want children to learn about it?

    They should learn about it so that they would KNOW for themselves that it is wrong.

    kpk02 and Lydia offer some good points.

    Further, since so many people here simply trash creationism and do not want schools to debate it, then how is there "science"? Debate and critical thinking are essential parts of science.

  9. This has nothing to do with the fact that our country going to go in a depression. and not Obama or Mccain can do anything about it. we produce nothing, (only whiner) we Have no oil and if we do, not enough

    we depend on cars .oil will continue to go up and more then likely your children will not learn to drive. Everybody wake up

  10. Never, never, never! I doubt she really thinks this though. She just wants to get the fanatic religious right on her side.  

  11. Well, McCain wants to let you send your kid to the school of your choice, with Obama, you're stuck with whatever your school wants to do..

  12. I most certainly would not.  

    However, the best quote in either article is this one:  Cindy McCain saying that Palin has foreign policy experience because “don’t forget, Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia”.

    Wow, if people fall for that, we are the dumbest country in the world.

  13. No, Never.  I would never send my child to a school that taught creationism along side or instead of science. Creationism is NOT science.   If the school had a humanities class in religious studies that taught the religions of the world equally along side Christianity in a separate class from science, then yes, I would send my child to that class.  But I would never send my child to a school that used indoctrination of Christian beliefs.

  14. No, but I would encourage her to send her kids to a school that teaches only creationism.  (It is a cynical move to have my kids earn higher SAT's than hers.)

  15. What's wrong with give equal weigh to two different theories?  No one knows for certain yet where everything came from, so why not allow people to hear multiple views on the topic?

    And if creationism is completely wrong, how are kids supposed to learn that if they aren't taught some about what creationism is?   You can't disagree with something until you know enough about it to disagree with it.

    People are making too many assumptions.   Teaching creationism doesn't mean telling kids this is how it happened.  It means teaching them about what the creationist view is and that some people do believe it.

  16. In an interview Thursday, Palin said she meant only to say that discussion of alternative views should be allowed to arise in Alaska classrooms:

    “I don’t think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class. It doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum.”

    She added that, if elected, she would not push the state Board of Education to add such creation-based alternatives to the state’s required curriculum.

    Members of the state school board, which sets minimum requirements, are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Legislature.

    “I won’t have religion as a litmus test, or anybody’s personal opinion on evolution or creationism,” Palin said.

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