
Governing Alaska vs governing the entire nation, where's the relevancy?

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The population of Alaska is ----> 670,053

The population of Rhode Island is ----> 1,067,610




  1. Finally republicans are starting to question McCains thought process.

    Obama/Biden 08!!

  2. The Vice President really doesn't have too much responsibility. Nevertheless, someone that isolated doesn't really make a good candidate.

  3. Executive experience as a mayor and governor FAR outweigh Community outreach for the Socialist party and 143 days as "the most Liberal Senator".

    Congressional service is Legislative government - wheres the relevance?

  4. I was really suprised when i read the McCain picked her for his VP.  Im voting for Obama.  I think that McCain picking her as the VP was a very poor choice.  He could have picked somewhere waaaay better. Biden will chew her up and spit her out. He doesn't take any bullshit

  5. Voting "present" and being really good at organizing and reciting speeches does not a president make. SHE'S not running for president.

  6. Yes...but Alaska is our "biggest" state and therefore has more wildlife.  I understand that the animals of the forests of Alaska were very pleased with her leadership.

  7. I think the real question is where is the revelancy of governing an entire nation when you have on 143 days in the Senate when you decided to run for President?  

  8. The relevancy is the type of job a Mayor and a governor are executive positions that require good judgment to succeed. They make many important decisions everyday for their state. A senator is a professional voter who votes and moves on he is only 1 of 100 other senators, not much useful experience there.

  9. Republican Sarah Palin 114,697

    and above is the number of votes that she got in the 2006 election.

    Be careful.. it is not nice to put actual figures and facts over in this area.  *smile*

  10. Being a junior senator on the job 147 days. Where's the relevancy?

  11. Your point?

    The VP doesn't really "govern" anything.  They don't do anything unless the President appoints them with something to do.  Just that and being Head of Senate, which again, is child's play.

  12. The VP does not govern an entire nation. A senator govern's no one!  She has successfully ran a profitable corporation. She has stood up to the oil companies and has stood up to ridiculous spending. She gave her constituents back money bc Alaska has a surplus instead of finding something fruitless to spend it on. She certainly has more qualifications than the Chose One

  13. Doesn't matter, as long as she gets the job done!

    Aww, poor demotax getting jealous because they couldn't get their act together with Hillary. Goes to show what an idiot Obama is and how divisive the demotax are.

  14. Being a Senator from Illinois v. being President of the United States. Where's the justice?

  15. So what?  It doesn't matter the size that counts; what counts is motion of the ocean that does.

    Obama is well known to run with thugs, let criminals help him purchase a home worth 1.65 million dollars.  His mentors are radical Muslims; Democrats have you forgotten 9/11/2001.  Guess you didn't lose any one in that radical attack by Muslims.

    Your point?

  16. How about governing a population of zero to governing the nation?  Because that's what you get with Obama.   I'll take Palin any day thank you very much.

  17. Palin as vp has more experience to bring to the table than Obama, as the presidential candidate.

    A few months ago I started researching her, and I think McC made a GREAT choice.

    There are 4 major functions of the executive branch:

    CEO -- the "chief" of the executive branch; all agencies answer to the CEO. A good ticket/candidate brings CEO experience, and in gov't, this often mean having been a governor. (Palin's the only governor running, plus she has owned a couple of companies.)

    Commander-in-Chief -- McC has that covered, coming from a military family plus his own military service, plus being a member of the Armed Services Committee. As governor, Palin was commander-in-chief of the National guard.

    Foreign Affairs -- McCain has this covered too.  However, Palin has had to deal with other nations (particularly Russia) on fishing rights off the Alaska coast.

    Domestic Affairs -- They both have experience here, especially with energy issues being so critical.

    Plus Palin is squeaky clean. No "questionable associations" here.(Don't believe the nonsense about her being investigated. That's just an attempt to bring her down by the corrupt politicians she threw out when she became governor.)

    In all, Palin has more experience, personal and leadership attributes than Obama has. McCain and Palin together have all the bases covered.

  18. Four years ago, Howard Dean ran for President.  He didn't get too far.  He was the former Governor of Vermont.  Vermont has about 600,000 people.  I didn't think he was ready to be President.

    In fairness, he has done a great job as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.  But he wasn't even considered for the Vice Presidential nomination by John Kerry then, or by Barack Obama now.

    Now, keep in mind, plenty of "under-experienced" people have become good Presidents, or are now seen by many as good Presidents: Jackson, Lincoln, both Roosevelts, Wilson, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and, of course, "the Governor of a small State," Bill Clinton.  On the other hand, that also boosts Obama.

    And, of course, some of the most experienced politicians to become President have done lousy jobs: Both John Adamses, Martin Van Buren, James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover, LBJ from 1966 onward, and the elder George Bush.  So you never really know.

    I'm supporting the Obama-Biden ticket over the Bush-McCain-Palin ticket.  But that doesn't necessarily mean that Palin's level of experience, which is ridiculous even compared to Obama's, is an automatic disqualification.  That she's running with McCain sure is, but that's my opinion.  I look forward to seeing how many millions share it.

  19. Go try another tactic---this one did not work  out so well-----typical liberal double standards.----or did we take your rant out of context?

  20. Where indeed, is the relevancy of B. Hussein Obama governing the nation after serving a term as an Illinois senator, half of his term spent on the campaign trail and NOT IN HIS OFFICE OR EVEN VOTING ON PERTINENT ISSUES BROUGHT BEFORE HIM?!?!?!?!?!  Get a grip, you "sheeple" before you allow the antichrist to govern your simpleminded selves.....  I swear, I wish I had a nickel for every idiot who believes what some politition spews as truth, when the rest of us clear-headed people see as bull-$hit...  But hey, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!!!!  

  21. No offense, but are serious?  Alaska has vast energy resources. Major oil and gas reserves are found in the Alaska North Slope  and Cook Inlet basins. It ranks second in the nation in crude oil production, has the lowest individual tax burden in the United States, depends primarily on petroleum revenues, property taxes are relatively low, business friendly and is a beautiful state- the mountains and lakes alone are breathtaking- clean air.  

  22.    Why all this crazy concern over experience ?   She has MORE than the "man" who you people want to put in as POTUS.   She's a VP candidate,  nothing more.   At least McCain will RUN the White House while Biden has to pick up ALL the slack, especially Foreign relations.  And Governor of such a large State, means CEO experience, not that "bogus and lame" claim of Obamas as an "organizer" of a proven corrupt community org.

        You "people" really are feeling threatened aren't you ?  

  23. Non-governing Illinois vs governing the entire nation, where's the relevancy?

  24. I feel your pain. McCain is a BIG joke...

    And for those who say it's the biggest state, Size don't matter it's how you work it.

  25. Hello!!?!?!?!  Earth to Babchie8....

    Palin is currently being investigated by the AK legislature for possible ethics misconduct....

  26. They are both high executive positions.

    Seriously, this question shows how concerned the Democrats are.

  27. It's more than Obama has done so I'd have to say it is more relevant than his experience.

    And dont' forget, Obama is running for president, with less experience than who McCain picked as a running mate.

  28. Running an entire state is entirely different than sitting in the Senate casting votes, even if it has a small population  Obama was absent for half of the votes over the past 2 years anyway!

    I would have preferred Romney, but if you're going to be a conservative, better to pick a very conservative woman.  This way no one can complain she doesn't care about women!  

  29. Yeah so what?

    She's a Governor, Obama was a "community organizer" who has been running for president ever since

    she's done more in two years then Obama could hope to do

    She IS the "change" he speaks of!

    You dems are really freaking out aren't you?

  30. Are you really that naive? It is experience the opposing mainstream party ticket does not have. It may not be running a nation the size of the US but it is running a state larger than many countries in the world.


  31. governing Rhode Island vs governing the entire nation, where's the relavency? You are stupid you could say the same for Biden and Obama

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