
Government Energy Conspiracy?

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Who thinks that the current Energy Cost Increases are a Government Plan to get people used to paying high prices so that the Public will accept inefficient / expensive Alternative Energy Sources in the end?




  1. I don't tend to buy into conspiracy theory's. However they may well see it as a great benefit to the hugh current increase in cost.

  2. The Government doesn't have to do any conspiracies. They own you! They can tell you that they will increase the prices to $1000/gallon of gas and it won't be a d**n thing you can do about it, because the citizens are powerless. The government can take the citizen vote, and what can they do? I will tell you what they can do, not a d**n thing! You become a problem, and you'll end up just like the Jews, in a concentration camp...just waiting to die. The government doesn't need you alive, the world is already getting crowed with high birth rates. The government doesn't need you leeching all the resources and drinking all the good water, they will kill you if you get out of line! Same goes for all Americans and the World. Get over it and stop being delusional, you have no rights! You are not born with rights! You have the right to be an economic slave and keep giving the government tax money and if you don't pay you have the right to go to jail after a swift 30 second trial and if you make too much noise, the government will just murder someone and frame it on you and cut your trial down to 10 seconds. Guility....go to the gas chambers to meet the modern day Hitler!

    Scott below me....shut your mouth, you know not what you speak you fool.

  3. i do!

  4. YOU said:

    "Liberals have a hard time with the truth and get very upset when you present them with facts."

    What a pathetic projectionist's generalization. If thats not your average clueless talk radio jibberish then I dont know what is!

    Do that explain why the GOP is in such a shambles?

  5. Much of the current price rise is due to two things.

    1- Many investors looking to make a quick stack of money have begun to speculate in the oil market. Lots of these guys are pulling money out of the real-estate markets as they spiral down and oil is the place they are putting it.

    2- Many people in China and India have discovered that they like having electricity, cars, air conditioners etc and now can afford to purchase these things. This means that they are competing with the rest of the world for a limited amount of oil. This is basic supply and demand- demand is high and supply limited therefore the price climbs to curb demand.

    It's not rocket science....

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