
Government and South Sudan rebels sign ceasefire

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The Government of young South Sudan and rebel forces launched a cracking president five weeks ago and have reached a ceasefire signed in Addis Ababa, capital of neighboring Ethiopia. With the cessation of hostilities temporarily ends the violence between supporters of President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar supporters exvicepresidente form. Thousands of people have died since mid-December in the fighting and about half a million have fled their homes for fear of the fighting. Many of them have moved to the capital, Juba, to find shelter.

"The crisis in South Sudan is a mere manifestation of the challenges facing a young and beginner State," said Seyoum Mesfin, head of IGAD mediator, an intergovernmental body that brings together several countries in the eastern fringe of Africa and has tried to reconcile the parties. "I think the challenges of post-war," he continued in comments reported by Reuters, "will be greater than the war itself."

Since mid- December, fighters loyal to Machar, dismissed in July, have advanced and taken important regions. Most parts of the militia under the command of Machar belong to the Nuer ethnic group, but they have also received support from other communities. The counter-offensive of the troops of President Kiir, organized around the Dinka ethnic group, have retaken control of many areas with support from neighboring Uganda Army. Both sides have been accused of killing hundreds of civilians from other ethnic in its path.

Both sides take weeks trying to reach an agreement in Addis Ababa without much luck so far. Since the beginning of the current crisis, Machar has demanded the release of 11 prisoners held by the government and loyal allies. The pact includes them in the mediation process, but still pending the judicial process.

"This agreement does not respond to current problems of South Sudan," said a rebel spokesman from Ethiopia. "We need a comprehensive political agreement; are signing because they and we are under pressure."

The ceasefire due to come into force in the next 24 hours. Skepticism does not govern only the opinions of the negotiating parties but also those of the South Sudanese people, as recorded by Reuters. " You can solve some of the immediate problems but not all," said Samuel Kuir Chok, 31.

A political and ethnic disputes in the state born in July 2011 partition of Sudan 's territorial ambitions of an oil producing country binds but decimated in the technology for refining and export. Some stability achieved with North normalized oil circulation across borders.

 Tags: ceasefire, government, Rebels, sign, South, Sudan


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