
Government officials as domestic enemies of the United States; Is it possible?

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The over all purpose of any enemy of the U.S. is to overthrow our sovereign government. Enemies of the U.S. are found within and without of our borders. Being that America's internal leadership seems to be lacking; is it any wonder that they are held with such public distain by most of us and as reported by most major news agencies. Its just a question and I'm a patiot ...That's why I'm asking the question. I love our country.




  1. That is all a matter of opinion.  Just like you, I am very displeased with our goverment's effort in supporting the people to whom they are sworn to help and defend.  But I do believe that the news media plays a huge role in what the American public sees in our government.

    Most people do not like to inquire about the truth, they rather have some suit tell them what the country is going through.  This is sad but nothing can be further from the truth.

    Another sad part about your question is that Americans in general have become too soft and selfish.  They rather give away and sacrifice their freedom for a false sense of security provided by the government.  They do not want to fight for their freedom and that is the first casualty of a democratic government.  When we as a people have given up our freedom in exchange for comfort we are lost as a nation.

  2. Our elected officials are public enemy number one. I've said it repeatedly that the whole bunch in Congress should be arrested and thrown in jail. I have absolutely no trust nor confidence in any branch of the government. They are all like a bunch of little kids, always bickering about getting their way. Any day now I expect someone to stand up in Congress and say, " Well, if I'm one, then what are you?"

    An approval rating of only 9% for Congress? There should be a Constitutional amendment that says if the approval rating of any branch of the government falls below 20% that branch should be dissolved and immediate elections held to replace them.

  3. not only possible, it is true.

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