
Government programs should be cut and religious institutions should pay?

by  |  earlier

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When people ask the gov for money for social programs, they are in essence asking the gov to force the rest of the population to pay for it...

Why dont people go to their respective religious institutions for the cash? i mean, they are obliged to help right?

the more the gov gives us a hand, the tighter their grip

could your religion pay for some social programs?




  1. Only americans get offended by helping other people...only americans are against programs that might help them one day

    a nation of retards

  2. Well in the Bush presidency now we give tax dollars to religious programs ... did you miss his faith based initiatives?

  3. I am in total agreement with this. I believe in separation of Church and State. Good point.

  4. I liked the idea of social programs, however it is truly

    a Christian's job to do Everything possible...through

    monetary means and through prayer....For the Needy.

    It is very well understood that Far Too Many People

    are taking advantage of those social programs that were designed to be a temporary solution.

    We need to care for our own........................................

    The elderly need to live with their children at every possible

    opportunity...when the elderly one doesn't have enough

    money to care for themselves.

    I realize this will not work...(Every time this is obvious).

    I'm very glad you asked this question...

    We Christians

    are obligated through the Holy Word to....................................

    Help the Poor,

    Clothe the naked,

    Visit the sick,

    And visit the Ones in Prison...

    The more we in this nation...

                                Follow these Wise Words

                        the better we will do in this Nation!!!

  5. I don't believe in organized religion.

  6. I'm not sure about them paying for social programs, but many churches in this country should be paying taxes.  They get all these exemptions, yet they are free to stick their noses in politics and lobby the government to create laws in favor of their beliefs.

  7. The problem is if there is a economic disaster people cannot give to the Churches to help people but the peoples government will still be there. FDRs social programs made it so we will never be hit as hard as we were in the Republican Great Depression.

  8. My church does and I love supporting those programs.

    I hate paying taxes though.

  9. Everyone should become responsible for themselves and learn to live within their means.

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