
Government up to no good as usual??

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Does anyone out there, other than me think that the gas prices (among other things) are the governments way of MAKING us go greener?? I believe that as humans we do need to take care of our planet, but global warming? SERIOUSY?? Whos fault was it before us? Was the earth not at one time mostly tropical, than low and behold the ICE AGE came. Whos to blame for global freezing??? Cavemen? And correct me if I'm wrong, The ice melted long before anyone was drivin cars and suv's. Who's fault was that?? Mr Gore? I guess i'm just sick and tired of the government controlled media, force feeding me their c**p, anyone with me?




  1. I've been saying the same thing for years, GO GIRL!!!

  2. I am not at all with you, Ohio Girl.

    Firstly: Politician bashing is the sport practiced by all the citizens of the truly democratic nations. But it is harmful.

    Second: Oil prices are not set by the government but by the stock exchange: the offer and demand principle. Furthermore, when the dollar falls, the price increases. There is little the government can do about it.

    Third: While Mr. Gore and the environmentalists are exaggerating to present us with a worst-case scenario, the menace of a climatic change is there - whether it is human produced or not.

    Fourth: The consumption of fossil fuel has to go down for the good reason that it is limited: soon we will have emptied what's left. What do we do then? Shouldn't we try to find energy alternatives already now?

    Fifth: Over consumption of fossile fuel goes at the detriment of the developing countries. India has just built a new car that is so cheap nearly anyone can afford it. True, it is a very simple car that runs on a simple two-strokes engine. But if all Indians are to buy and use it, there won't be a drop oil left for us. What do we do? Hurry to burn our oil before them? The USA has about 13,000 atomic warheads. Why don't you use them to destroy the 'others' so that you can enjoy driving your SUVs at a cheap price?

    As a Norwegian, I benefit from an weird situation: Each time the international economy goes down, the oil price goes up and Norway with its offshore oil plaform gets incredibly richer. I feel very bad about it. :-(

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