
Governments are not designed to create economic equality, but rather ensure broad social justices.

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Do you agree with this statement. What are your thoughts. Please tell me your political affiliation as well.




  1. Yes, I agree.

          Economic equality is the rallying cry of the socialists, but always seems to end up with a dictatorial ruling class, and poverty for everyone else. So that amounts to an unrealistic goal used to put in a new ruling class.

           Social justice includes equality of opportunity , but should mainly  include equality before the law. Our legal system and legislature are corrupted by money. All lawyers should be government employees, drawn by lot for each case. And instead of allowing politicians to accept contributions, we could just have a C-span3, where they would all have equal time, for campaign purposes. and a supplement added to newspapers presenting their positions and counter arguments.

          With modern information technology it's ridiculous to allow campaign contributions to influence politicians. If politics didn't require huge sums of money, more substantive candidates might come forward, and more variety of political parties.


  2. with republican leadership a country that has resourses that we need will see us come and take over to spread Social Justice and Govern their Economy, Iraq or example~!!!

    notice all the bloodshed and corruption and Genocide goin on in Africa,

    they are just now starting to wake up to the c**p goin on over there~!!

  3. Governments should do basically nothing.

    They should leave me alone, let me take care of my own defense (I have guns), and stay out of my wallet.

  4. Democrat. What a complex question. I agree with you on the first half of your question and disagree with you on the second half of the question. On the first, governments have never been designed to create economic equality. From a long view the grass looks greener on the Communist or Socialist side, take a walk in those same pastures and one will quickly find tall grass covering holes, dips and divots of economic inequality.  

    On the second point, government cannot ensure broad social justice, however, it can take away civil liberties more effectively, and uniformly.  To my point, gun rights. I chuckle at the rhetoric that liberals are opposed to bearing arms.  Owning a gun is associated with rural communities, a pick up truck and hunting game. If you are a black politician, automatically it is assumed that you and your constituency are opposed to guns.  

    The irony is this, if you walk through East Cleveland, Southside Chicago or parts of LA, the liklihood of being shot is much higher than getting stabbed.  Blacks and Latinos looooooove their guns to a fault. Every summer police forces get literally tons of guns off the street, just like Baghdad, in Baltimore, Washington D.C. etc. Trust me, minorities do not want any laws taking guns from our hands, just like Billy Bob in rural Kentucky.  

    The government cannot uniformily ensure the broad social justice of owning a gun, but it can curtail the use. I have just given you the conflict and limits of what government can do in the right to bear fire arms. I have also given you an argument that can be supported by statistics that the inner city loves guns as much if not more than the rural oft described Republican gun owner.  

    The reason why at least the U.S. government can never insure broad social justice is because it would take forward proactive thinking on the part of the government bureacracy. The U.S. government is incapable and inept, no matter who is in the Congress.  Government is a slow, clumsy beast that gets in the way of progress in an airtight room; a beast suffering from a gaseous stomach filled with people who need government to work.  To borrow a phrase from the streets, "that's on the real."

  5. economic equality is in a way related to social justice, in the sense that everyone has the right to equal economic opportunity

    and in any case governments also work to increase the general welfare of its citizens


    the first answerer was definitely a republican...

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