
Governor Palin, Qualified???????

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To all you lib's who keep harping about Mrs. Palins experience..

Your man Clinton was a Governor.. Where were you to say "he has no experience don't elect this dude"

Ronald Regan was a Governor... He destroyed the Soviet Union.

I can go on some of our finest presidents came from our governor pools, and Mrs Palin is just the VP on this ticket. (I personally think she is better than McCain but that's another question)

Senator Obama had Gov. Kathleen Sebilius (Dem Kansas) on his short list for his VP pick. I bet if he had picked her you would not be questioning her qualifications. Since Mrs. Palin is a Republican does this automatically disqualify her in you're opinion?

Hmmmm... Just wondering?????




  1. no.

  2. well shes American and over 35, so yeah. but as far as he being President, no way.

  3. She's a little iffy, but truthfully she is more qualified than Obama is

  4. Totally agree she has more Executive experience then the whole democrat ticket combined

  5. Remember, Reagan was governor of California, not Alaska and he was governor for 2 terms. Sarah Palin, on the other hand, was elected in 2006 and isn't even half way done with her first term. McCain's already 72 (there's a possibility that he might croak) and if Palin becomes president, I don't think other countries will take us serious because of her lack of foreign experience. We live in an age of globalization, a time where international issues affects us just as domestic issues.  Although she may have resonated with other middle class women, I felt her speech tonight didn't go into any specifics. What was McCain thinking? He should have gone with Joe Lieberman or another more qualified female.

    One more thing, does anyone else see her resemblance to Tina Fey?

  6. Senators Obama and Biden have forgotten more than McCain and Palin know.  

    Does anybody think really think that Palin she was Presidential ?  Only an idiot would have come to that conclusion.

    She had no class, she was sarcastic and insulting.   No wonder Alaskans get their asses kicked in sports.  The are nothing more than big mouth pansies.

  7. Well, here is the bottom line:

    Obama's leading experience

    -community organizer

    Palin's leading experience:


    -Mayor of her town


    -Had actual responsibilities

    Libs need to do the math. She is more qualified than the DEM presidential candidate. Wake up! You guys are just bashing your own candidate. If she's inexperienced is Obama juvenile?

  8. I don't think she's qualified, she appears to lack substance. She has yet to mention the issues. Also she doesn't have a passport, how can someone become VP when I've been to more countries than her!

  9. I feel Governor Palin is an unknown a bit, but I like her. I like her morals, her attitude, her focus on the right things.

    I live in rural America, and I think that most of America does, too. She is so different from McCain, yet I think they are a great team.

  10. She fails on social issues, where her religion muddies her political views.

    She believes in intelligent design, a pseudoscience.

    She supports abstinence only education, despite the fact that it fails every study done to gauge its effectiveness.

    She thinks parents should be able to opt out of some textbooks in public schools if they disagree with them. I thought the purpose of a public education was to educate?

    She is opposed to abortion in cases of rape and incest, plus all other reasons. I don't believe the government should control my medical care.  

  11. Obama had a bunch of governors on his short list.

    Several of them would have made much better candidates than that old retread Joe Biden.

    The US voter always prefers to elect governors and executives when they are given the choice.

    They know that Senators are a bunch of blah blah blah blah.

    McCain had serious leadership and executive experience as commander of the naval station in Florida.  He turned it around completely and was highly regarded as a great success.

    Palin has an excellent record through 16 years as an appointed and elected public official.

    Obama and Biden = zero executive decision-making experience.

  12. Her big problem is her lack of any serious education.  She's a journalism major (but she has a minor in Political Science!).

    Her lack of education would indicate why she's a creationist.  We need more stupid people in government, right?

  13. Let's see...Clinton held several other offices and was governor for 6 years...Regan was an actor and held government offices before becoming president...Palin has a special needs child only months old, a 17 y/o pregnant daughter, corrupt record of abuse of power, and very little education compared to Obama...She is in no way near as experienced as Obama, nor as intellegent.

  14. Well she is more qualified than Sen. McCain is to be President

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