
Governor Palin doesn't share any of Senator Hillary's policies?

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So why are there some bitter Hillary supporters who support another women of a completely different stance, just to get back at Obama.

These people who do this seem like children who don't know what there vote means. Do you agree?




  1. Any woman who has to switch to McCain because he picked a female is a fool (I emphasize FOOL). I feel sorry for those that do...I remember watching Palin's speech and how she was trying to build up this "pride" in women and all the women were roaring. Boy, have they been duped.

    It also goes to show how many illegitimate Democrats are out there.

  2. They hate men..

    They know exactly what thier doing.

  3. I am a woman in total agreement with you. Palin is anti-woman, pro-life, anti-equal pay, pro-hunting( wtf?) and anti-environment. I would NEVER vote for this bizarre person.

    Any woman who would go for her just because she has a v****a is a disgrace to fellow democrats.

  4. I totally agree. She has only been Governor and Mayor of a small part of Alaska that has only 6,00 people, she has a 3 month child that has Down Syndrome and her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. Oh, But they have the nerve to say that Obama has no experience? What if McCain dies? How is she suppose to be expected to take care of a baby who has a Birth Defect, help her daughter out AND serve America when she has only served less that 6,000 people!?!?!?

    If Hillary supporters do vote for McCain just because of Palin, they are just desperately Desperate to see a woman in the white house, and they ought to be ashamed of themselves to vote for a old man who has voted for Bush 90% of the time only because of his no-experience running mate. It's just terrible.  

  5. people are voting for obama because he is black, they would have voted for hilery because she is  female now they are switching to palin because she is female. ALL WRONG reasons to vote, you should vote for the best person for the job PERIOD. obama is not experienced enough, mccain is wrong as well so some have switched to voting for the vice pres

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