Mr. Eliot Spitzer, Governor of NY has been caught as being part of a prostitution ring and thus, they are asking for his resignation.
This is the guy who preached goodness and following the rules in society.
This is the guy who wanted to grant driver licenses to illegal aliens.
This is the "honorable" governor that people considered to be such a righteous man but I knew better.
Listen folks, not even the Pope is free from sinning. It is HUMAN NATURE to always try and get away with anything but keeping the law.
What are your thoughts on this jerk, Spitzer?
Should he continue in office or step down?
Before answering, keep in mind that this is the guy who favors illegals coming to the USA, who cheated on his wife with probably countless hookers (all ages) and at the same time, someone who represents the people of New York as Governor.
Your view?