
Governor Spitzer the Cheater?

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Mr. Eliot Spitzer, Governor of NY has been caught as being part of a prostitution ring and thus, they are asking for his resignation.

This is the guy who preached goodness and following the rules in society.

This is the guy who wanted to grant driver licenses to illegal aliens.

This is the "honorable" governor that people considered to be such a righteous man but I knew better.

Listen folks, not even the Pope is free from sinning. It is HUMAN NATURE to always try and get away with anything but keeping the law.

What are your thoughts on this jerk, Spitzer?

Should he continue in office or step down?

Before answering, keep in mind that this is the guy who favors illegals coming to the USA, who cheated on his wife with probably countless hookers (all ages) and at the same time, someone who represents the people of New York as Governor.

Your view?




  1. As long as the guy can continue to do his job then he ought to stay.  It costs money to replace elected politicians and what he did does not compare with the high crimes of the Bush administration -- most of them have been able to keep their jobs. No, it's a s*x crime not extortion, white collar thievery, violent assault or murder.

    It's illegal to have s*x with hookers.  Yes, I get it. He'll probably have to step down because he will be harangued out of office.  I seriously doubt though he would have to leave office because of having to do jail time.

    Yes, he's a scum bag for treating his wife that way and humiliating her further by having her stand by his side at a press conference.  I am appalled at his conduct.  OTOH, I'm appalled at the conduct of nearly every member of the exectutive branch at this moment and they aren't going anywhere.

  2. Duh, they didn't make clinton step down for cheating on his wife.  And a lot of the todo about BC was that he perjured himself about it, not the fact that he did it in the first place.  AND he didn't go around pulling a Jimmy Swaggert saying it was wrong before doing it.  But that is beside the point.

    Spitzer is a hypocrite.  Does that surprise you?  Why it is that the biggest talkers about morality seem to have the weakness, I do not know, but you could name a dozen headline-makers that have been caught up in the same sort of scandal.  I am not convinced it is a reason for demanding his resignation-it isn't like he was selling government contracts, but then, I don't live in NY anymore so I really don't have a say.

    Now, if he is prosecuted and found guilty of a crime demonstrating his unfitness for the office, that would be another story.

  3. I think he is in overdrive regarding s*x, and in reverse regarding  licenses to illegal immigrants.he should go back to driving school, c'mon..

  4. this guy put away people for doing the same thing he did.he deserves to go to prison himself for the same crimes he put people in prison for.who the h**l does he think he is.he thought he;d get away with committing crimes because of who he is.he needs to be set up for an example for all.that if you commit the crime you do the time.i hope they hang the rotten son of a *****.people like him p**s me off.

  5. They made Clinton step down for cheating on his wife with an intern, but they're not making this guy step down after cheating on his wife with a prostitue?!


    What a cheesedick

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