
Govt phone tapping information?

by  |  earlier

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can anyone give me information on the whole govt phone tapping controversy, or possibly the pros of this?

thanks a lot




  1. No pros... Sorry

    Big brother to big!?! He needs a diet.

    Read this...

  2. Here is the issue that FISA was supposed to address.

    US law forbids intelligence agencies from monitoring domestic communications.  Prior to FISA the moment it was determined that one end of the conversation being monitored was in the US - all monitoring had to cease and any recordings and data gathered had to be destroyed.  After 9/11 it was discovered that the people who hijacked the airplanes simply made phone calls back to Al Queda HQ knowing that since they were calling from the US - they could not be monitored.

    When we invaded Afghanistan we captured Al Queda training documents that showed that they had been training their operatives to take advantage of US wiretapping laws in order to gain secure communications.

    FISA was designed to close these loopholes.

  3. Go to the ACLU web site I sure they have a lot about it.

    All I know is that two phone companies open up their phone lines to tap Americans that have nothing to do with any kind of terrorism, and three companies open up web sites like Yahoo and give out everyones email and ID without just cause.


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