
Gpu running @ 83 Degrees Centigrade?

by Guest33507  |  earlier

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Guys i have an MSI 7300 GPU PCIE card that i bought recently. It does not have a fan and is passively cooled. But when i play a game it runs at 83 degree Centigrade!!! Will i fry this card? I have opened up the case in the hope that it will cool faster/better than when it is closed. It is a work computer and i wont have the option of upgrading the heatsink etc. Any feedback on this heat levels? Thanks




  1. check out the specs on the MSI site. My laptop dual core cpu usually runs at around 75 - up to 90 when I'm hammering it.

    I wouldn't worry too much - the electronics can handle high temps these days.

  2. I would install a case fan to get the temp down to at least 70°C.But try to install it in the rear having it to blow out.

    Yes , your GPU will take higher temps-but for how long?

  3. no not good thats 181 deg fahrenheit anything over 130 is bad for cpus or gpus.what happens is the plastic molding they cast over the gpu bulges and pushes on the heat sync and then it make a bad problem worse.with the heat sync pushed away from the chip it overheats even more till it frys. this is the problem there having with the xbox 360's.(the three red lights) the fix would be to order a gpu cooler or fan the fan cost 10 bucks and click into the two holes left when you pull off the heat sync then the bord should have a plug for the fans cost to much for them to remove the power plug from the more expensive boards that they make with the fan. but if it dosnt you can use one of the motherboard fan plugs or get a adapter plug for the harddrive power line to the fan(the fan might come with the adapter) p.s. gpu's are made to withstand a bit more heat than a cpu but yours sounds excessive but could last for sometime ate that heat but its much cheaper to get a fan than to replace a video card

  4. Most GPUs can run safely up to 85*C. You should be fine. Buy an can of air, and spray down the GPU, CPU, and any fans attached to the case the next time you shutdown the computer. This should help keep everything cool. If you can, buy an extra fan for your case (they should cost less than $15). Odds are, you don't need a new heatsink to help shed a few degrees. Good luck, and I hope this helped.


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