
Gr. 9? wat was ur experience?

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i'm going to a different high school than all my friends which means i need to make lots of new friends to be with. it's just gonna be a weird experience for me and i sorta wanna hear people's experience that'll make me feel better and maybe some advice.





  1. i had the exact same situation as you! i didn't go to the same highschool school with my friends from elementary. my mom wouldn't let me (because the school wasn't very nice or clean...) so she sent me to a different school.

    at first i didn't want to! i went into grade 9 not knowing anyone, literally! not even one person. but surprisingly, i made a ton of friends - even in the first day!

    all you have to do is be as confident as you can be, introduce yourselfs to people, compliment people... and smile! just be nice.

    i thought it was going to be really hard, being away from my old friends, making new ones... but it's actually not bad at all! now i have friends from my old elementary school AND new friends at my highscool.

    you're going to do just fine .. promise :)

  2. your situation is gonna be pretty difficult with all your friends off to different schools.  don't worry though, if you're not a shy person you should be fine.  no worries :)  here's some advice to follow though...i don't care if your counselors and such have already said these a million times, but honestly, follow them.

    --get involved with school. join some club you're interested in, or join a sport.  I was really bored as a freshman because i wasn't involved at all.

    --if your school has the Link Crew program, keep in touch with your Link Crew leader. He/she will help you with frosh year.  

    --keep your grades up.  don't listen to people who say that frosh year doesn't count toward college...frosh year is easy, so don't blow it.

    --be careful of the friends you make. this is what my 8th grade counselor told me: "your friends in middle school will be your enemies in high school." i never believed it until it happened. no, i didn't become exact enemies, but my "best friends" changed, and i'm sure i did too. things weren't the same.  don't be friends with the people on drugs...there are a lot of them who get hooked as freshmen and it ruins their whole life.

    --don't get caught up in drama. it ruins EVERYTHING. trust me....any kind of drama..especially boy drama.

    --there's no such thing as freshmen getting trash canned. i have NO idea where that came from.  

    --dont' get a perception of high school from movies ("mean girls" for example). those always show bratty girls who try this and's not true.  just be yourself and you'll do fine.

    --it's seriously not a huge transition form 8th to 9th grade.  just wait until you get to 11th grade. not much of a difference, except for a bigger campus (usually).

    --be careful with boyfriends.  i've known people who have had to drop out because they got pregnant.

    --DON'T drink. seriously.  bad things happen.

    Now here's what my experience was like:

    *my friends changed. so did i.

    *i was only in 1 club frosh year, and it was a boring one too.

    *i got a 4.0  that year; easy-schmeezy stuff.  oh, btw, take advanced classes. they help

    *i took school seriously! of my freshman class of 1000 people; now, going into junior year there are about 850 left.  what happened to the rest?

    *no drama for me ;)

    *i was freakishly bored the whole year...i had no sports, and the club i joined took like no time at all.

    *you never know what you'll be interested in.  i took tv production cuz my counselor put me in it, and now i think i might major in it in college.

    no, i'm not saying frosh year is boring. I was the boring person. lol. but as a sophomore, here's what i did: got a 4.1, was in ASB (and got most inspirational leader), was in the National Honor Society, was vice prez of TV prod. club,....etc. haha. i was SUPER involved, which is definitely good!

    so, take high school seriously. make good choices!! go to college! it's rare for someone to make a fortune and not even go to college.

    thanks for reading!

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