
Graceful Martial Arts ?

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ok so i am trying to find some kind of martial arts that is good for a ballet dancer of 12 years. I am really flexible and was born graceful. My father is forcing me into some kind of martial arts. Though i want to keep on going with dance i know this could be fun. I also have to be able to find someone to teach me this "art"





  1. Take Kungfu,lol if its a decent Kungfu Place there frilly Animal stances are considerd dancing :p. Take MMA or Boxing.

  2. I hear Crane Style kung fu.

    Maybe wushu

    Tai Chi

    if your looking for a dance martial art try Capoeira

  3. Shaolin Kung Fu its available.  Your ballet training I think will be invaluable regarding helping you endure Shaolin training.  And yes, practiced with skill at least, its "graceful."  Aikido is also a good choice, as well as Tai Chi, although, the Yang style short or long form, but specifically the long, is only the rudimentary form.  Rumors persist in Tai Chi circles about how the Yangs did not reveal all the forms to the public, teaching only the rudimentary frame.  Meaning, even though there is the 108 step form, plus the martial applications, without all 5 frames, you are not learning the complete martial art.

    The idea of 5 frames is common to all styles of Kung Fu except perhaps Shuia Jiao.  All styles have 5 forms to learn, not just Shaolin, because it was from the Shaolin tradition that Tai Chi ultimately developed.  Tai Chi Chuan, is indeed graceful, but as a martial art as taught to public, unless you practice it for years it is pretty damned well near useless.  The reason that is, is because sports culture has programmed us to use muscular power, rather than rely on the laws of physics, and how they apply to the human body.  Because to use Tai Chi effectively you have to change your mind set, few people in America can actively apply it.

    If you are looking for something "graceful," virtually any style of Kung Fu will do; unlike Karate, Kung Fu is "beautiful."  Many Chinese martial artists, Bruce Lee included, have criticized Karate for its broken, blocky motions, as opposed to the graceful, flowing circular movements of Kung Fu.  If you wish to learn a complete style of Tai Chi, you should go for the Chen.

    The Chen family has chosen to go ahead and reveal all 5 frames of their style to the public, so you learn the "soft" meditative frame, the pao chui or "cannnon fist," as well as medium and small ones.  What the last one is called I forgot.

    Still; Kung Fu.  If you already do Yoga and stuff, you will need to apply the meditation, as without focus all martial arts are pretty useless.  Considering the strength and leverage advantages men have, you will have to take your ability to focus to a very high degree, if you hope to protect yourself.

    Focus, the acquired ability to focus, has meant the difference between life and death, victory and defeat.  A moment of distraction, is all an assailant needs to bring you down, regardless of what style you use.  See, that is the reason the tougher street punks have brought down trained martial artists; living on the streets, being forced to survive in a violent world they did not have a choice of being born in, forced their minds to focus the hard way.

    The Yoga, is considerably more benign and less violent, although to have comparable levels of focus as that of a street fighter, you are looking at about a year of daily meditation done for an hour a day, in addition to your martial arts.

    good luck.

  4. Kung - Fu involves some very gymnastic aspects.  And you can find Kung - Fu teachers anywhere!

  5. well kung fu could be really good it is really flowing and it always seems to look really good. or you could do capoeira this is a brazilian dance martial art and its a lot of fun you learn to kick and dodge really well but other than that its not much more defence.

  6. Aikido is known as a more defensive type of martial art that incorporates alot of fluid movement.

    Certain forms of Kempo have alot of Katas that show off the more "artsy" part of martial arts.

    My best advice is to read through a list of martial arts and determine which is more suited for you.  

    MORE IMPORTANTLY, you need to pick the right school.  This will have a larger impact on your training than the actual style believe it or not.  

    There are tips on choosing the best martial arts school here, as well as a growing collection of articles on each type of martial art:

    Hope this helps!

  7. From your description i would recommend Crane Kung Fu or Tai Chi although karate "kata" (forms) can also sometimes fill this description.

  8. I'd suggest, Tai Chi or Aikido.

    Best wishes :)***

  9. Tai Chi or Yoga or Akido.

  10. tai chi

  11. Since you enjoy dance, you might enjoy Capoeira. Many areas have groups now and you could likely find one through google.

    [Note: Just a short film. Don't take it as representative. Just thought it would be a fun way to give you exposure.]

  12. Yoga is defence

    but i would recomend Tai ki (chi)

    It looks slow and rubbish but your ki build up is enourmous and will help you if you ever need to defend yourself.

  13. Tai Chi, Capoeria, TKD, (ATA), Wu Shu, Shaolin Long Fist

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