
Grackle Noseband?

by Guest63986  |  earlier

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I just bought a new grackle bridle for my pony.

She doesn't cross her jaw or anything, but we do quite a lot of showjumping/galloping and I think it would be nicer for her.

I was wondering how to put it on.. I mean, I know how to put the actual bridle on her face, but I want it to fit her properly and make sure it is comftorble. So how tight should the straps be? And also, how high should the center of it be on her nose..

Are there any bad things about a grackle if she doesn't purticarly need one??

1 second ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. If she doesn't need a grackle then why are you using one? Stick with a plain cavesson, it will be so much kinder to your pony.

  2. A grackle noseband is more severe way of preventing jaw movement than an ordinary flash.  The main disadvantages of using one are that is can cause resentment and prevent the horse from softening the jaw.  However, it can be considered better than a flash or drop for fast or strenous work as it allows the horse more room for expansion of the nostrils so if your horse goes well in it then all is well.  If you do showing or dressage remember to switch back though as a grackle is not permitted in many classes.

    To fit the grackle the crossing point of the noseband on the centre of the face should sit approximately in line with the end of the horse's cheekbones.

  3. sorry dont agree with nosebands . i jump and gallop in one eared bridle or halter

  4. You should never use more severe tack on a horse than it needs.  That is so stupid.  Just because you do a lot of showjumping is no reason to put such a thing on to a horse.  They are not easy to fit, and if you are not having a problem then you should take it back to where you got it from and say you yhave changed your mind!  You should aim for minimum amount of tack possible.

    As I said, there are important points to fitting and really  I do not have the time to explain it to you without pictures, etc.

  5. Grackles are only harsh if tightened to much, but they are supposed to keep a horse from crossing his jaw and opening his mouth (as you said) so if they aren't done up reasonably tight they don't work properly.

    In fact for showjumping and galloping, I'm guessing you might use a flash bridle since you bought a grackle. I love that you did that!!! Horses can breather a lot easier in a grackle than flash because nothing presses down on their nostrils.

    As for fit:

    The center disk: Put the disc as high up the nose as possible, or at least halfway between the middle of the nostrils and the middle of the eyes. If you run your fingers down either side of your horses nose you will feel where the bone ends and the fleshy part of the nostril begins. The flash should not be below this as it can affect the breathing.

    The noseband: The top band should start about two gingers width ABOVE the point of the cheek bone.

    The flash: should be at a steep angle to the chin groove, well clear of the nostrils.

    Throatlatch: Just like any other bridle :]

    I use the 2-finger rule for the noseband and flash, and don't make it any tighter than that, except if my horse is being fresh at a show I might go 1-finger on the flash before cross country as he likes to open his mouth and just run, not listening to my aids very much.

    Here is a properly fitted grackle bridle:

    Take note that in the picture the bridle has extra rings on the side (where the noseband is), this is a mexican grackle. The fitting I described is for this kind.

    If you have one without rings, like this:

    The only thing that is different than what I explained is the noseband should be about 1 finger BELOW the point of the cheekbone, like a normal bridle.

    Hope this helps!!!
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