
Grad school stinks... financially.want me to pay for a class that was cancelled by the professor..want 2 leave

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i am trying to get a masters degree but the finance department is making me mad... what should I do

Ok I wanted to start on my master degree right after undergrad I start at University of Pheonix and it didnt work.... the major was business my major and interest was education... so that wasnt a wise decision... I was just going to Uof P because I wanted to go to a school... anywho I left there and I am now at Notheastern Illinois University.... I enrolled in 3 classes for the summer I took two.... the other class the professor cancelled due to only two people enrolling in the class.... a guy and myself.. I cancelled out of the class through the computter after the professor said he cancelled the class. At the end of the summer semester I had two A's and on the third class that was suppose to be cancelled their was no "cancellation" in which the professor did on my transcript at all.... I called the school and asked them why didnt they put cancel on the class that was cancelled because if there is no cancel on the class that was cancelled then my GPA will go down... one administrator said the class was cancelled and they could see it through their computers not on the transcripts(sounds dumb to me, because I want evidence that the class was cancelled) One adiministator said it takes a while for Cancel to show up on transcripts. Two months went by, cancel didnt show up at all... so last week I was registering for classes and they said I could not register due to me having a hold.... I thought the hold would be due to my undergrad transcripts not being into the grad school yet... I called the school and the said I had a hold due to a balance of $2,000 for summer classes due to this being a commuter school and classes are $300 each.... something wasnt adding up... so i asked them how many classes were they counting and they said 3 classes... I wasnt suppose to be charge for the 3rd class due to the professor cancelling it... apparently professor didnt cancel the class and they think I suppose to pay for the class... they lady I talked to said it look like I enrolled but I just didnt take the class ... Now I have 2 A's I dont think I would enroll into a class and skip the class... I know grad school cost... and I dont have money like that.... What would you guys do in this situation?




  1. All I could say is that if the situation gets worse then go to court. Ask for help from others before you do this.Ask for others' opinion.

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