
Grade 6 RAD ballet exam - pliés and barre work... i've forgottten it all and I need help!?

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My grade 6 ballet exam is on Tuesday and I've forgotton my barre work - especially the pliés and developés. Is there anyone who can remind me of the steps? I can't get in touch with my teacher or my partner!




  1. okay calm down sweetie

    its okay its just nerves i promise you

    when i did my grade 6 i had a panic attack htinking that

    i wouldnt be able to remember it

    but as soon as you hear the music it all comes back and you feel so much more relaxed

    try google or youtube

    if your still worried

    but i promise you'll be okay!

    and break a leg!


  2. Get in touch with your teacher and tell them this. Ask if you can go through everything in a private lesson before your exam

  3. get in touch with some one or before the exam starts ask someone for help. Sorry I cant help more.

  4. Umm i cant help u much as im in grade 2 ballet but umm If u reserach it on the internet u could  find the steps

  5. You may find this search a help:

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