
Grades-Is it better to get a good grade in a easy class or mediocre grade in a harder class?

by Guest63519  |  earlier

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Grades-Is it better to get a good grade in a easy class or mediocre grade in a harder class?




  1. This is for high school classes...

    If you're comparing an honor/ AP class to a normal class, try taking the honor/AP class. However, if you can't get within the B range, then I'd say drop down to the easier normal class. C's look bad no matter what class it is.

    On the other hand, if you're comparing 2 non-honor/AP classes, take the easier one, because most colleges don't actually know exactly what class is hard and what's easy for such classes.

  2. Why not both? Or why not try harder and get a good grade in the harder class. It helps to pull an all nighter every once in a while.  

  3. I have heard this question a lot in high school. It is definitely better to get a mediocre grade in a harder class. Because this shows to colleges/teachers/honors societies that you chose to take a risk and challenge yourself with a harder class, then take the easy way out.  

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