
Grades- parents?

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normally, i am an a to a+ student. recently, in math i got 2 b-. my parents are acting like i should be disowned. do u think thats fair? i try my best for everything but they still dont believe in me.




  1. Well, speaking as a parent of a teenager (I'm not sure how old you are)- I expect my daughter to get good grades.  If she is having trouble in a class, I expect her to ask for more help and put more time into it.  That said, I know that will not always equal an A.  My policy is if you have done everything you can, tried your absolute best and you get a B-, then that is okay.  My daughter has always been an A student until this year.  It's a harder year for her, and I am actually glad she is being challenged more.  Maybe you can talk to your parents and let them know why you think you got a B-.  Math can be tricky.  One week it can be super easy, and the next week you are covering a unit that is really hard for you.  Tell them you will keep trying hard for good grades, but that in math you did try your best and a B- is what you got.  Kids have to deal with alot these days- not just grades.  And if you get some B-'s along the way, that's okay.  Life is not always straight A's.

  2. Sorry to hear about your situation. If you look at your work and the results of your work, you'll come to realize that you did a good job and got good grades, and those facts don't change just because other people think otherwise. You need to find your worth within yourself and tune out at least some of what other people say, even if they're your parents. I think your parents believe in you, but they expect the best from you (which isn't all bad).

  3. my parents do that too. just explain that you are doing you best to them. if they don't understand then at least you know that you tried. my best advice is to ignore them. confidence is key anyway.
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