
Grades were curved?

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For my final exam, I got a 97.5, but then the teacher curved the grades because apparently a few kids did very poorly. I was extremely happy about the A+ (because it was on the Final Exam) After the curve, my grade had gone down to a 90 (yes thats -7.5 pts!) so it was then an A-. Is this a fair curve? From all my years in school, a curve has always been positive for everyone. The fact that my grade suffered so greatly really, for lack of better word, ticked me off. Is this fair????

P.S. A couple of other kids got their grades curved down as well, but by two or three points. Is this crazy or is it just me?




  1. ya they usually curve it for the dumber people like me lol =]. its because they favor the kids that do poorer so more could pass. i would be mad to tho if they lowered me that much.

    as for the other poster, dont go calling your teacher because that can only make it worse for you.. nothing you an do about curves.. on the bright side atleast you still have a good grade

  2. well, in ny for example, they want everyone to pass so they make it easy for stupid people to pass and get a 65%. howver, it's harder to get a 100% with the curve.

  3. i don't think its fair that you had to get lowered, because most people did bad. but, i would call up your school, and ask if your teacher is around.

    i think thats retarded personally!
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