Confusion with grades distribution! Can you help me?
Regarding Math grade, professor told us, 60% will be counted from your TEST score, 10% from your Quiz score and 30 % from Final Examination score.We had three tests,( 300), one Quiz( out of 50) and one Final Exam( out of 150).Total out of 500, what score I need to get for each section( Test, Quiz and Fial Exam) to recieve 75% overall average grade for that paper. Please explain how do we figure out that?
Additional details:
.Three TESTS ( each test of 100), I received=240/300
. One Quiz( out of 50), I recieved = 30/50
. Final Exam ( out of 150) , I recieved = 105/150
What average overall grade I recieved for that paper.based on the drade weight that 60% from TESTS, 10% from QUIZ and 30% from FINAL EXAM is counted. Whay score I need to get to get a 75% ( passing grade).How do I calculate that?