
Graduating from Kindergarten?

by Guest63041  |  earlier

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My son's graduating from Kindergarten next Friday. I'm VERY PROUD, of course. I've invited key ppl in his life to come to the ceremony at the school and afterwards we're going out to lunch. I was thinking of after lunch bringing him to Boomers or somewhere like that. What are you doing with your graduates?




  1. You (and your son) are so lucky to be doing a graduation ceremony from kindergarten!

    My son just finished kindergarten May 23rd, and nothing, I was so disappointed.  He's my oldest and we (me and my husband) were looking forward to making a big deal out of this achievement, but the school saw no need to have a ceremony.  

    We got him one of those Intex Metal Frame Pools for completing first grade.  My husband put it together in the morning of the last day of school so when our son came home he had his surprise.

    I also think your plan is a good one, a day of celebration sounds perfect!

  2. The kids went out to lunch with their school mate and went to the park.

  3. At my daughter's school they called it "promotion" and they had a little ceremony just class-by-class.  Her teacher did this thing where she had each one close their eyes, she waved a wand over their head then tapped them - and they were magically transformed into first graders!  The kids loved it and walked out anxious for first grade to start.

  4. What are you going to do for him when he gets his Ph.D.?

  5. lol  I think its funny when people "celebrate" a Kindergarten graduation.  I know its cute and fun and all that stuff, but its Kindergarten, not law school.  Everyone I know just take lots of pictures, have a cake and maybe some pizza.  That's about it.  Oh yeah, and a nap.  :)

    Congratulations to your little guy.

  6. Sounds like you're on the right track.  We did the cerimony with the grandparents and stuff and then went to out to breakfast together.  That was about it

  7. I didn't graduate this year because I was in 8th grade and I am already at high school but when I graduated from middle school I had a party. All my friends came up and there boyfriends and we all hung out and swam... then it rained so we danced in the rain then hail came... Haha.

  8. I am starting to be concerned with the celebrations of mediocrity so I would say don`t make a huge deal out of this. Neither of my older kids had kindergarten graduations though they did bring home certificates on the last day of school. My youngest finished pre-k this year and they had an end of year class picnic and handed out little certificates and treat bags but it was nothing with caps and gowns or anything.

    For sixth grade (last year of elementary here) my daughter`s school had an honors assembly. They made their own construction paper caps -- no gowns.

    They handed out awards for attendance and reading. Then they had the ten math olympiads come up front and they all got a cert. Then my daughter got the pin and the trophy as the only one having the highest scores. THEN they had the citizenship award and my daughter got that too. Yay!

    THEN they handed out the Lincoln School Achievement Awards -- to EVERYONE.  Because someone`s parent would have a cow if their little snowflake didn`t get an award. Then there were bars and cookies parents sent and that was it -- they got out of school a couple of hours early on the last day.

    Their big deal was going to a local amusement park for their party for DARE (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education) which I think makes more sense than a dance and is more fun -- and is paid for by DARE instead of the school or individual parents.

    Because she had had the party with her class and day at the amusement park (on a Saturday -- not missing school) plus field day and a fun day at a local summer camp with ropes course and everything -- I did not feel we had to do anything really as a family for her. I kept hugging her over the math olympiad thing though.

    There was NOTHING for my son`s 8th grade graduation last year -- which is fine since middle school is only the 2 years here.

    If you go overboard for mediocrity when they are little they will expect something out of My Sweet Sixteen (MTV) for elementary or eighth grade graduation and a trip to Europe for high school graduation.

    It is out of control!

    I am sure your son will be cute and everything though. :-)

  9. I have 4 kids.  I just went to my 4th preschool graduation.  It was adorable!  She looked so cute in her gown and cap!  But, are there ever times when you think we need to stop celebrating mediocrity?  Everyone graduates from preschool.  I don't know, maybe I'm just too busy with everything that I'm not celebrating the small stuff.

  10. My son goes to kindergarten next year and I will absolutely do something special with him. Its not "just" a kindergarten graduation as one of your answers said. It is their first year of school! Even if they went to pre-K-this is the first year of real school and it's a big deal for the child and should be celebrated! It will make him feel that much better about his accomplishments!


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