
Graduation Ideas?

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Graduation Games/Prizes?

My Brother is going to graduat 8th grade and is going to have a big party at june 14 but we need help thinking of games and prizes cause most of it he doesn't like and so far we have these:

Graduation Games

*Donut eating contest

*Scavenger Hunt

*Soda Tasting Contest


*Ipod Shuffle

*$10 Gift Card For Jamba Juice

*$15 Gift Card For Starbucks

*2 Tickets To The Movies

*$15 Gifft Card For Itunes

Can you help me think of more games/prizes please????




  1. You can do some relay races, like potato sack races, three legged races, etc.

    You can do pie eating contest, but instead of eating pies, fill the tins with JUST whipped cream and put their hands behind their backs.  Whoever finishes first wins.

    You can fill a water balloon and have them put their hands behind their backs and pass the balloon with their CHIN ONLY to each other, whoever drops it or pops it is OUT, and whoever is LEFT standing, Wins!  The last person left, wins the game!  That one should be fun to play and watch!  I had my niece to do that with her friends with a potato and they had so much fun with it they couldn't stop laughing!  Being you have nice weather, you can do it with the water balloon or you can do it with a ball or potato like the girls did.

    You can do the egg on the spoon where they have the raw egg and have to get to the finish line with the egg still on the spoon and the person who doesn't drop their egg wins, but sometimes there is more than one winner for that game.

    You can also do a tug of war and have them break up in 2 teams and get an inflatable kiddie pool and fill it with water, the losing team ends up in the water.  I'm not sure if you want the kids getting wet though.

    If you're ok with the kids getting wet, you can do water balloon fights and the one kid left dry and without getting hit is the one that wins the prize, IF there is a kid that is left dry.  LOL

    You can get a slip and slide and wet it down and have them play on that.  You can go to Toys R' Us and check out the different water things that they have and see if he likes any of them.

    You can play a trivia game of "how well do you know the graduate?" and the one to answer the most questions right wins.  Have the questions AND the answers already written down so they know that there was no changing of answers and ask his friends some questions about him and see who gets the most rights.  Some questions could be:

    Favorite sports team in baseball

    Favorite football team

    What High school team does he want to try out for if any?

    What car does he want in the future?

    What does he want to do when he's older?

    Favorite color?

    First pet?  Name of first pet?

    favorite subject in school?  Least favorite?

    Where he wants to live when older?

    You can ask him these things and I'm sure have fun learning some answers too.  

    For prize ideas:

    -CDs (ask your brother some cds of their favorite music)


    -Video games (ask him their favorite games)

    -Gift cards to video game stores for the kids to get their favorite video games or cds.

    -Gift cards to McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Burger King, etc, kids LOVE that! Or any other fast food places, you can pick up a few gift cards to few places in your area.

    -Gift cards to Carvel, Coldstone Creamery, kids love ice cream and I'm sure they'd love this!

    For prizes, I'm really not sure what else, I mostly around girls (I have 3 goddaughters, but from what I've seen from their boyfriends, they LOVE food, video games, and music.  I would go with the gift cards for the movies, ice cream, and fast food places.  You can mix it up and get them for a few different places, I'm sure no matter what, they're going to love it!  

    I know this is not a game, but for an activity, you can set up an ice cream bar for him and his friends.  If you go to the dollar store you can get those tall, clear, plastic sundae glasses.  Then get chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream and whatever else are favorites.  Get some toppings, sprinkles, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, cherries, etc.  Have them make their own sundaes.

    I hope some of these ideas help and that your brother has a great party!

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