
Graduation Speech ideas.....please help?

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I'm a homeschooled student that's going to be graduating with 2 other homeschoolers. We each have to give a speech, and I need a little help on what to give my speech about. Any ideas would be appreciated! Thank you so much!




  1. talk about career ur mother helped u through it all. and what a great experiece homeschooling was for u. hope this helps.

  2. Perhaps adding in something about how homeschooling has enabled you to achieve more than "regular schooling" would have.  For something intellectual adding in something about world events that have occured while you were homeschooling and how you were able to be more aware of these occurances.  Such as, a presidential election, 9-11, the war in Iraq.  Maybe, through homeschooling you were more aware of current events and how they impact the world around us.

  3. the importance of choosing a good career

    moments together

    thanks to your ¨virtual teachers¨

  4. Think about your homeschooling journey and what has been special. You can talk about your mentors, how you've grown, someone that's been there the whole way, some way you've helped people, or any other topic as long as it's within the rules. But no matter what subject you touch on, make it memorable by making it something important that you feel you need to tell your supporters.

    Sample Main Ideas (Thesis Statements):

    - "Volunteering in an orphanage community in Nigeria has allowed me to gain a broader perspective on the people I can touch with my virology experience.

    - "Today, I would like to thank my parents by telling you one thing that each of them has taught me."

    - "I am here to tell you about the person who has impacted me most and helped me grow as a homeschooler, a student, and a human being."

    - "Today, I am here to tell you one thing that I hope you will take home with you. I am going to tell you that nothing is impossible with God. As unbelievable as this sounds, let me tell you how I know this. When I was just beginning homeschooling..."

    Hope this helps.

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