
Gramoxone weed killer?

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Does anyone know where i can buy a very strong weedkiller called Gramoxone. It was recommended to me as my front garden is like a forest, all weeds and bushes. If not is there anything else you could recommended. Please take into consideration that i am not exaggerating when i say it is like a forest. Everything must die to start it over from scratch.




  1. The active ingredient in Gramoxone is Paraquat. As other people have mentioned it is very dangerous if misused. It can be obtained in garden centres as Weedol. You are better off using a Glyphosate based product such as Roundup which takes a little longer to work but kills the roots as well.

  2. Go to, the maker's web site.

  3. you do know this is a very bad poison?and if you put this on the weed and animals taste it or eat it they will die,and you have to be very careful in the way you are going to handle it,you cannot let it get to your body,inhale,near your eyes,and most of all your lips..people are known to drink this, and within hours be very careful..this is one of the weed killers that was baned a while back,for these same good luck in getting it..

  4. The active ingredient in Gramoxone is Paraquat. This will kill on contact but does not penetrate the roots of perennial weeds or woody plants.

    If you really want to see everything off I suggest you use a weedkiller called Roundup, available from garden centres. This contains glyphosate which is a translocated chemical - i.e. it penetrates to the roots and kills from the bottom up. Sometimes you don't think it's worked for a day or three because nothing seems to be happening and then about a week later yousuddenlyy noticeevery thing's gone!

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