
Grand Central service...Too many rings for the caller before my phone rings?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, this might not have an answer but I'll try anywhay. I have a Grand Central number that I'm using because Magic Jack doesn't have my area code. So far it's working great. I'd like to also give my Grand Central number out to certain people but the problem is that when they call me, on their end they hear up to 5 rings and sometimes hang up before I answer...but when my phone rings grand central goes through the "Incoming call from unknown, press one to accept two reject" recording. I have my call screening disabled. Is there anyway to make it so I don't have to press one to accept the call?




  1. hm, good question...I also use GrandCentral for my MagicJack....and haven't figured out the rings....but I changed my ring-tone to make it more interesting for the caller, perhaps they will wait for the beep....! also go to the GC help website and post your question there!! I will be looking too...

  2. Using more entertaining ring-tones is a good suggestion for keeping callers on the line while GC is processing the call.

    I actually tried that myself.  But, I opted to only use a catchy, but different ring sound, rather than one of those very humerous announcements while your phone rings.  I thought the announcements were sooo funnyy that an unsuspecting caller may think they either dialed the wrong number, or it was some kind of joke line....

    Turning -off- "Call Screening", only disables the function that requires the "caller" to  --announce their name-- before connecting their call to you.  It is intended to screen callers so that you have the option to know who the "unknown caller" is before you press "1" to take the call.  Sometimes, an Unknown Caller may actually be someone you know and want to speak to, but they are unknown because their Name and phone Number is not yet in your GC contact list.

    As far as disabling the "press 1 to accept calls" prompt, .....that option cannot be disabled.

    This is because part of the foundation on which GrandCentral functions is to provide the GC account holder (you) the option to "(1) Take the call",  "(2) Send to Voice-Mail",  "(3) Listen-In on Voice-Mail being recorded",  "(4) Accept and Record the call".

    So, this is part of the fundamental "Menu" system on which GC is based for accepting calls.  Afterall, "call-screening" is also part of what GC is all about, too.  This is all part of what makes GrandCentral different from other me-too VoiP services...

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