Question: how long before I will receive an account?

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I just signed up last evening. How long will it take to get an account with Can someone who already has the service give me a brief run down of it. How do you like it? - PROS/CONS -Thank you in advance. Enjoy your year.




  1. I have had my GC account for about a year and I got it right away, at that time.  I'm not sure how long the wait is these days.  

    I live in Canada.  GC only provides USA phone number for now.  So, my number is in Charlotte, NC area code 704.  Any calls to that number are forwarded to my Canadian phones, or GC Voice-Mail, for free.  It seems to work quite good.  I'm hoping they get area codes in Canada, too.  

    But, for now, it is Free.... so I guess we can't be too picky about the pros/cons.

    If you have added contacts in your GC contacts list, then you can make free phone calls to your contacts.

    It is still in Beta development phase.  Because Google has bought GC, I expect it won't be too long before they integrate it with Google Talk, which I also use and like.

    Another feature I like about GC is that I am able to put a GC "Call-ME" button on my web site (in my profile).  Anyone who clicks on the Call-Me button can call me (or leave voice-mail) for free.

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