(I'm writing on behalf of my sister-in-law)
My mother-in-law is totally overstepping her bounds. She's spoiled her 4 year old grandson rotten. He goes to her house one day a week and they've bought a full wardrobe for him. As soon as he gets there she changes his clothes and doesn't return his own clothes when he's picked up in the evening. She lets him get away with anything--lets him glue things to their walls, lets him play around on youtube unsupervised and never disciplines for anything (maybe puts him in timeout for 30 seconds)!! In fact, when his mom was there with him he was kicking her for attention and she (appropriately) said, "This is not OK. You may NOT kick. If you continue kicking, we will go home and you will not get to play at grandma's today." The response from Grandma & Grandpa? "He's just a baby! He doesn't know any better! You're not going anywhere- we had fun things planned for today. Don't talk to him like that," etc. Mom just wanted to scream! Add to this the multitude of guilt trips that come when they deny her invitations for him to spend the night or come over more often. She's even gone to their house and found him playing unsupervised in the dishwasher-with a chef's knife!
He calls grandma "Maa-Maw" and she tells everyone he calls her "mama" and that he likes her more than his mom.
What should she do?