
Grandma issues help me

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Hi, well recently i started dressing differently and shopping other places like spencers hot topic etc and my parents dont mind what i wear as long as i enjoy it and its not bad so i got my ear pierced and tongue pierced and my parents were ok with it since they signed the waiver. And my grandma found out and shes like im going to turn into a druggie and drop out of school because i dress like that she only wants to buy me stuff from abercrombie and fitch and hollister but i dont like these stores. and shes always saying c**p about it i tell her im not and stuff but she doesn't agree what do i do just completely ignore her or what?




  1. Your grandma grew up at a time when piercings on your tongue and were not acceptable and hot topic was not in business yet.

    Just let it go and be the best person you can be.  

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