
Grandmother question?

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How can I become closer to my grandmother? she is full filipino, so is my mom. she laughs all the time but weirdly at weird stuff... she lives at my friends house cause she cant stay at mine and my friend really needs the rent money.she shuts herself up in her room completely and only comes out for meals and hygiene. what should i do???




  1. Well, I have some International Friends and their Moms and Grandmothers sometimes have difficulty adjusting to our modern world and computer age. I would try to be open minded and realize that your Mom and Grandmother come from a different culture and their way of life is in total shock as the modern computer age is so different from their old way of life. Try to see things from their point of view. Appreciate them for giving you life and trying to understand your new way of life.

  2. talk to her and maybe invite her to go to the movies or something. just the 2 of you. spend some time togethher.

  3. You should try to talk to her and understand her history, feelings and her views on things.  Grandparents were brought up in a very different culture than what we live in and need to feel like we are interested and respect where they are coming from.

  4. just approach her gently ... I'm sure she cares for you you're her niece...

    don't be afraid especially if she's old as you might regret every second when she passes away

  5. invite her to go do something outside of the house, and make it something you know she would really really love to do.

  6. Go sit with her and ask her about her childhood and life, then listen. You might find out some interesting things about yourself in the process.

  7. Take her to do fun stuff with u ask about all the stuff going on in her life but dont get too nosie. Do stuff with her that u think she likes to do and help her like cookin crafts sewing who nows u could get a new hobbie

    : D

    hope i helped

    Good Luck

  8. Find out what your grandma enjoys doing, (like sewing, knitting, puzzles, baking, reading, going for walks, etc) then make time to do it with her at least 1-2 times a week.  This will give you a common bond.  My grandma lived with me when I was growing up, she was from Italy, and we would watch Wheel of Fortune together and eat butterscotch candy.  It's great that your looking for ways to get closer with her, you won't regret it.

  9. How sweet and loving of you to care about your extended family!  You are awesome!!

    You could invite her on some simple outings with you, even just walking and people watching at the mall can be fun, and it doesn't cost much.

    If she's hard to get out of the house, you might want to just start with a walk around the block where you can maybe hear some stories of her childhood.

    God bless you for reaching out!!  You are special.

  10. whoah, doesnt sound like a good situation.

    if u wanna get closer to her make ur room in YOUR house for her!
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