
Grandparents >> Changed? ?

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I see my grandparents almost every year.

They would come every summer.

In 2006 they didn't come because my grandfather had surgery and he wasn't allowed to fly over seas.

So in 2007 they came for my birthday in March and left in June and then in July we went to see them.

When they came in March they changed so MUCH!

I don't know why......but they just dramatically changed!

We are 4 sisters and my grandparents have 7 grandchildren.

1 of them is a girl and is my sisters age: 6 and the others are twins: almost 3. (boys.)

It seems that they love them more. They always say they love me best! (I'm the oldest!) But they always speak of them. How smart they are, how talented, how they can sing and dance etc...

It's getting really stressful because I just feel like they are putting us 2nd.

They always buy them the nicest stuff. I mean yea, when they came they bought me a shirt and a skirt but for them they buy 10 shirts and pants and whatever!

I don't really need their stuff my mom buys me everything I need. Yesterday she bought me shoes, shirts and cloths and today we are going shopping for school supplies. When my mom gave my grandparents money to buy me stuff they wouldn't. They would say its expensive. A shirt was like $30 and they would say its expensive!

It's not! These are the prices.

Also, my sister, she likes all the nicest and newest clothing. She is 8 and she is very fashionable. Has great taste!

My grandmother showed her a pair of shoes and said: "These shoes are nice try them on." & the truth is: THEY LOOKED HORRIBLE! They looked granny-like.

So my sister replied saying: "& they are the cheapest!"

So my grandma make a face with her lips. She started doing that now.

Every time someone replies back to her she will make a face with her lips. Its annoying!!

She also wants to show that she is lending and nice. We went to fill up the car with gas and she was like 'I'll pay!'

Did she? No! She just wants to show how great she is!

She does have great qualities though. She is really artistic, smart, has great hands, and helps put a bit. But should I give her more credit?

& I respect them a lot.

I make them the nicest cards and I put a lot of effort in making them.

When she turned 60 we came up with 60 reasons why we love her. When my grandfather just had his birthday we took a huge poster and put his pictures on it and it looked amazing. We had written a poem about his birthday and stuff. & 2 days ago we made a booklet with their pictures and ours and quotes on each picture and it looked fabulous!

So my question is: Did she change? Did we change?

Oh, and my sister also says that she changed....

She isn't the grandmother we used to have!

Maybe its because she has 3 more grandchildren....

I don't know..





  1. Well, part of it makes you wrong and part of it makes your grandmother wrong. She shouldn't play favorites. And if she one day just decides to, you should tell her how you feel. You are wrong because you're acting sort of spoiled. Unless you are very rich, $30 for a shirt IS expensive. Truth is, you're all changing and starting to depart from each other.

  2. Your all changing, theres an sjustment period, your grandparents are getting used to having preteens around, 1. they dont see you often to really know how you are, 2. there sense of what is acceptable is completely different, 3. the way they spend their money is completely different.

    I for one got my first tattoo at 16, its covered whenever around them and they dont know about it.  why cause its not there generations thing to have tattoos for no reason, so why bother upsetting them.

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