
Grandparents have any rights to baby?

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I am 23. If i wanted to give my bbay up for adoption, could my parents, who are in their mid 40's, good jobs, good people, etc... fight to adopt the child?

Just wondering about grand parents rights. I know that if say something were to happen to me and the father taht the grand parents could fight for custody, can they do that in this situation as well?

PS.. I dont plan to i want to keep this babay but the father wants to put it up for adoption and i told hin that even if i wanted to imy parents would fight to keep the baby in the family legally, but i dont know if thats the case or not so just curious ?

Also I live in Alberta Canada if that makes a diff.




  1. Hi Kelly,

    This is a good example of a case where adoption is simply not necessary.  You & your parents can raise your baby together if that's what you want to do.  It is not necessary to alter the child's birth certificate to state that your parents gave birth to your baby, nor to reduce the child's rights through a formal adoption proceeding, especially since you intend to stay in your child's life.  The father still has a financial responsibility to his child, and is entitled to visitation.

    The father would not be allowed to place the child for adoption without your permission, just like you would not be able to do so without his permission.  It does not sound like he would consent to such an adoption anyways.

    If there is some reason you believe that your child would be harmed by his/her father, then you would need to present that evidence to a judge & let them make a determination on that.

    I think what you might really be wanting to know is what happens to your child if something happens to you, right?  Then I think there might be a custody battle between the child's father & your parents.  You can make a will stating what your preferences are with respect to custody arrangements in the event you die & leave a minor child.  However, the first rights will always go to the other parent, assuming that parent is alive, willing, not abusive, not incarerated, not addicted to drugs, etc.  If you & your child have been living with your parents, a judge may consider a joint custody arrangement or visitation schedule to keep everyone in the child's life.  Your parents would have to petition for that then stating it would be in the child's best interests.

    Worst case scenario:  You die, your child's father takes the child & attempts to place the child for adoption.  Even then, your parents can petition the courts and have a good chance of winning if the father does not want to raise his child, and the child has been living with your parents since birth.  Relatives are always considered before strangers.

    The person that matters the most is the child.  With the facts you stated, having your parents adopt your child would not be possible in this case & would not take away the father's rights to his child anyways.  Stay healthy for your child.  Hope this helps answer your question.  

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  2. Depends on your judge.My mom had me when she was 16.and she couldn't take care of me so she sent me to live with my grandparents and they were gonna try and adopt me but the judge was a real arsehead and refused to give my grandparents legal adoption.My grandparents had good job lived in a good community,never gotten in trouble with the law stuff like that but still they wouldn't give them legal adoption the end they negotiated and gave my grandparents custody.So like your parents could fight for adoption rights,but if they are not able to adopt the child,the court would probably give them custody of the child.

  3. yes and no

    if you do a private adoption you can pick the family and your parents have no say but the father has to sign off

    If you give your child to  the foster care system they allways try to find family first but again the father has to agree which it sounds like he does

    In all cases it is your choice not his or theirs if you give up or keep a child

  4. Any family member can petition to adopt a child and if it the child is a blood relative they will be considered first if they qualify.  I can say that because I'm in Alberta as well and before my wife and I adopted our latest it had to clear the "family first" hurdle.  Given the situation of the bios there was no family members who were willing to adopt (they had already adopted 4 of her previous 6 children with my daughter being the 7th...all before the bio was 28).  I've got friends here in town as well who adopted their grand daughter when their daughter was unable to get off drugs.  They were the first choice by the courts.

    Your parents could be considered to adopt your baby in the same way that anyone else could and, if they qualify, would be the preferred option by the system.  Keep in mind as well that the father can tell you what ever he wants but he can't force you to put the baby up for adoption.

  5. It's possible. But you would get a better answer calling or looking it up on ur states website and reading about their child laws. You'll get better answers there than u would here.

    Every state is different


  6. yes they do, my brothers inlaws took him to court for visits of his daughter, and now he has to let them see her atlest a week out of a month.

  7. I don't know about CA specifically, but in the US grandparents can definitely not prevent you from placing your child for adoption with someone else. I assume it is the same there.

  8. The only problem I could for see is if the baby's dad got a desperate adoptive couple involved who would stick there nose into the equation and try to challenge your grandparents.  I hope the legislation changes to prevent more of that from happening.

  9. In the USA Grandparents have many rights concerning their Grandchildren. They can sue for visitation and can even apply for adoption.

    I don't know the laws in Canada.

  10. sorry but yes do to new laws they actually have more then parents

  11. No they have no right.  You are an adult.

    If you want to keep your baby you should.  

    Make sure you tell the father that this is his responsibility and he needs to plan to support his child and be in the child's life.  Don't be hostile, because you need to have a relationship with this man for the rest of your child's life.

  12. Your parents can go for custody of the child.  They would have to get a lawyer...Grandparent rights are very strong in Canada.  Call family services in Alberta, and they can give you any information that you want.

  13. The truth of the matter is the little rights grandparents  may have do not trump the parents. It’s the biological parent’s choice to place their child for adoption no one else’s. Grandparents can be upset but unless the parents are willing to let the grandparents adopt the baby, they are really in most cases out of luck.

    Both parents have to agree to adoption or it can not be done, so you don’t want to place but the father does, well the father is out of luck. He can either pay child support and be a daddy or he can give up his rights to the baby.

  14. I know in the US, they're federally mandated to place with family first, so they probably have a good chance.

  15. The baby's father cannot make you put the child up for adoption. Check out the website below, it has information pertaining to laws in your area.

  16. Yes. You wouldn't put your child up for adoption, you would simply give them custody of the child. I would consult a lawyer to make that part legal. The only reason relatives wouldn't get custody is if the father fights for custody and wins or if the relatives are found to be poor parents......relatives--outside of the natural parents--are the first people who are asked to adopt their relative child.

  17. Your parents or grandparents don't automatically have rights but you do. You have every right to allow your family to adopt the child. You also have every right to keep your baby regardless of what the nfather chooses.

  18. if u want 2 know, u can go 2 ur local social services office, or adoption agency, and ask 4 info on laws about adoption. i was adopted, and although my family wasnt allowed 2 adopt me, in the US, if the grandparents are clean and eligible 2 adopt, the child always goes 2 them, and if they arent, it goes 2 someone else in the family. only if no one in the family is eligible or wants the child does the child get put up 4 adoption.

  19. No they can not stop an adoption.  It is the birth mother's choice and if she chooses to place the baby with another family they can not stop the adoption.  

    The only situation where the family could step forward is if the child became a ward of the state through neglect or abuse.  Not through an private adoption.

  20. If you are not planning on putting the baby up for adoption , then you ahve nothing to worry about. You have the last say here. The father can not make you put the baby up for adoption, however he can sign away his parental rights. (tho this won't stop him from paying child support, i'm pretty sure) .

    But i honestly don't think that grandparents have any right to the children if you decide to put them up for adoption.

  21. instead of adopting baby just hand baby over to grandparents.dont listen to the father evry one is diffrent but it is very likly you will want to keep it, my dad wanted me to get adopted im now 14 and am a model !!!!!!! she was 21 when she got pregnant look how happy jamie lynn spearts is and she looks so happy with her baby her mum nearly confinced  her to abort it or let her take care of it now she doesnt even alow anhy one to hokd her baby maddie brian .she is soooo cute. my mum said yes out of presure but then ran away to live with her parents she was young but still took up to responabilitys she kept me .,im not dissing you but just dont let any one presure you into doingm what you dont want to mum is like my best freind ,my life coiuld have been a nightmare if shed listened to my dad.i love my life now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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